
When asked if he thought having Michael Sam on the team was going to be a distraction, Tom Landry refused to answer the question.

This week on 30 For 30, Jameis Winston: The Semi-no

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Here's a Samurai commercial narrated by Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen)!

Not a dead brand, but I'd love to see International bring back the consumer market stuffs:

You go girl! All those other bitches don't know about you and your love for God so fuck them! #OurGodIsAnAwesomeGod #PetraIsTheBestBandEver

When I hear "V2" and "rocket" used in the same sentence, this is all my brain can think of:

Imagine the high speed ( chases if they replaced all the cruisers with teddy-bear filled MRAP's!


The Travelette?

You're spot on, I was just being lazy and lumping them together.

The elder there looks like a dad or gramps that is letting the young'n take the car out on his own for the first time:

Ford's done the four-door for quite awhile in the US, too, but it doesn't have the same quirk factor:

How about these Ford Brasil four-door F-series trucks? Equal parts weird and awesome.

It's here...GM's top secret plan to bring back Pontiac and resurrect the holy name, FIERO!!!! ¡¡¡Vroooooooooooooooooooom!!!

So does "Touchy" McGee...

Subaru SVX

"They said his hair was long, his clothes were dirty, they didn't want him hangin' around;

"We gonna do what they say can't be done."