Story about seeing Tesla cars from space includes no images of seeing cars from space....

Eisenhower was serving as a full General, with four stars, after February, 1943. By the end of 1943 he was appointed Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces, with other 4-star Generals, Admirals, and Air Chief Marshalls reporting to him. Pay no attention to the intricacies of lineal numbers and permanent ranks

In the US, these would get trashed within a week.

I’ve seen shirtless, barefoot tweakers scale razor wire fences and broken glass covered ledges to steal copper from a rooftop in broad daylight.

No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.

Older book now, but very good:
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Jon Ronson nails ‘successful’ business people like Andreessen in this book, a very engaging and illuminating read, recommended...

“I got taken advantage of!”

“I did not go with my husband and as a female I feel they took advantage of me.”

Yeah definitely. Those with ASPD or NPD have one common flaw: they cannot self-reflect beyond their egotism. Without a superego, morals and ethics don’t matter to them anymore, but they can substitute with money and power as they reward the ego. This guy lacks humanity and sees life as a commodity, and thus dangerous

Straight up Psychopathic, not killing it for food or because being a danger to people, just killing it because she didn’t have the patience to properly train it and manage it as a hunting dog. My family had tons of retrievers over the years and most were trained to hunt fine, others weren’t cut out for it, but instead

So did this dude come from money originally and was therefore insulated from the problems that 95% of Americans have to deal with and thus has a skewed outlook, or did he come from modest beginnings, make a ton of money, and now wants to pull the ladder up behind him because he ‘deserved’ it and others don’t?

Well, we’ve been unionized for nearly a decade now, so...

Fremont is a little south of Oakland in the Bay Area.  Tesla took over an old Toyota factory there.  This is the factory that Musk reopened in violation of CA’s COVID restrictions

I love that Tesla has so many IT problems that an “account deactivated” message doesn’t even warrant a second thought. This is the company that Musk claims is more about software than it is about building cars.

I feel like you could take the skeleton of this article and swap out almost any billionaire’s name like a sort of MadLibs and it would be just as accurate.

Agree with the last statement. It’s cool to love what you do for work… but don’t ever fall in love with your job. there’s a fine line between the two.

“I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work”

Came here to say this. He is an incredibly weird, oligarchical shitbag.

Now, however, I think a more apt descriptor might be “maniac.”

I’m sure he will do enough wrong in jail that he will be there for life. If he doesn’t follow the rules in the regular world I’m sure he will really buck the system in jail.