
If i remember it correctly, HIPAA is really about healthcare PROVIDERS. So if they had somehow gotten info from someone who was not a provider, there’s no party to be in trouble. If it could be tracked down to exactly how the records escaped from the provider, the provider might be liable for fines for not keeping

I was considering their very cool looking retro model they came out with, (forget name, not a real gear head) but then was let down when I heard they were getting out (and also the lack of lenses at the time). I hope this is good news for fans and maybe I’ll let myself think about that camera again now. Wait and see,

As someone who absolutely ONLY knows and visualizes this guy as the kid in We’re The Millers, this is surprising. I know, that’s called “acting,” and I assume he’ll... not be like that at all.

So, rural and/or poor folks who have none to rationed internet will be screwed some more.  Cool,  cool. 

Yes, there’s a lot to unpack in “husbands, love your wives,” and it’s sadly too vague for most people to really take it into consideration. It shouldn’t be so hard to decipher, but it somehow is. Instead we get 100 sermons on women be silent in church. 

I can barely control my thoughts most of the time. I don’t need my random thoughts ordering a hippo off the internet or sending emails I shouldn't have composed. 

So, this is super cool and all, but, we’re really going to just breeze past that monkeys statement without explanation?? Really??

But does it have a second layer to act like a slip? Because I find those rare these days, while see-through thin material abounds. And I don’t want to have to wear a slip. But yet mama didn’t raise a wanton jezebel, (har har) and so I really need a slip-layer.

Wish this stupid site worked halfway on mobile and I could read the comments, instead of ads that cover them all...

Yup. Just go sit in a field like the lilies. There's a verse about that, too, we can shoehorn it in to make it fit. 

Yet another reason not to put photos of myself or my kids on any platforms. Yep.

All the stars!

This is what my grandmother used to make her breakfast sausage gravy, and I swear by it. But I had no idea it was good for anything else. I also didn’t realize it was more than just flour, I thought all the magic was in the tube shaker packaging. Learned some things here. 

I will forever be moved by her look in First Knight when she realizes Sean Connery has caught her kissing Richard Gere. That moment just breaks me every time. It’s sort of canon in the Arthur myths that she loves them both, and I’ve never seen an actress make me believe it, other than her. That and in Guy Gabriel

Thanks, this is a welcome and informative intrusion. ;)

No, no, I haven’t heard anything one way or the other. That’s my question. I just remember when I first started humira (something like 6 years ago or so) my doc said there were “some types” of vaccines I should avoid. My other problem is not remembering anything more specific. Perhaps it was live ones, like you

As someone with an autoimmune disease, I’m also wondering about safety for folks who take immune suppressants, like humira. I haven’t heard if the vaccine is safe for these people. I seem to remember there are certain types of vaccines I'm not supposed to take because of the meds, but since this type of vax is new to


Seriously. If watching CB chew up people and spit them out is your thing, Murphy Brown is the best. I loved that show. I still love that show. I’m guessing it didn’t win her whatever awards because of politics. 

Thank you.