
I suppose this makes sense to a degree. I have on rare occasion bought things for Free-to-Play games...but as a general rule, I have to feel it's actually worth something. It's the difference between a coin pack or the coin doubler for Subway Surfers or Jetpack Joyride. The former feels cynical, and I suppose the

I can tell you from experience that GameStop DOES have a history of opening new products to sell as used...this is commonly done at the end of a system's lifecycle, and it would tend to happen to ALL remaining games in the store. This is different, though...I'd say this is DEFINITELY a case of taking advantage of

Your understanding was incorrect. Club Nintendo codes are one-time uses, just like any other serial code for pretty much any product ever.

It means you snuck up on the enemy...and it's most likely to come up if you're so strong the enemy isn't even a threat anymore. On my Wii U playthrough, I never actually FOUGHT a snake in Onett because I was already strong enough to beat them on the map...but I did still kill several of them. That's just cold murder,

Unless you get a green swirl, that is. You have no excuse at that point. ;)

It's Ash Ketchum's fault I like fingerless gloves to this very day. :P

Also, first party games definitely WON'T have stupid DRM. That has to count for something. They've made their stance that DRM is bad clear, and that may also impact how the developers do things. At any rate, I don't think PS4 is built for the kind of DRM Xbone has. Might get more Online Passes, but probably nothing

It doesn't bother me in the slightest, but that's mostly because I do that myself all the time... :P

Not legally. Over the years, I've been unable to blame anyone for emulating EarthBound due to Nintendo's refusal to sell it. But now that it's coming, you have no excuse. We finally have a chance to prove just how popular EarthBound is in the West, and we can NOT afford to squander it on indefensible selfishness.

I disagree. I don't want to have to turn on my computer to interact with my gaming buddies and be inundated with completely unrelated stuff in the process. A gaming social network integrated into the console seems like the PERFECT solution for that problem.

Gavin! :D

And this is why I hate the localization business. You put out a great product in horrid packaging and expect people to magically figure out it's worth buying...then it gets a vastly superior sequel and you say you "can't justify" a localization because the first one failed due to your own damn mistakes. And that's

I'm not going to claim this is the only reason Retro Game Challenge failed, but...the box art (the front cover, that is) was ABYSMAL! I worked at GameStop at the time of the game's release I and I tried my best to get people to notice it...always making sure it was front-faced and all...but nobody gave a crap. It

Don't worry, you're not the only one. I also thought they were NPC's at first...although I admit it didn't take me TWO playthroughs to figure it out. :P

"Tends to," nothing. It's official policy. Microsoft doesn't want what they consider to be "sloppy seconds." I'm just glad Sony doesn't have the same retarded rule.

Not that I usually go about putting inappropriate user-generated content in my games to begin with, but it's worth pointing out that it's good to be in the habit of deleting your saves before trading a game in, just in case.

Three years at GameStop in America tells me the same thing. They wouldn't give you a price adjustment one day after purchase if you'd already opened the thing. :P

Bwuh? Where'd you hear THAT? I follow VC news and would definitely have heard tons of complaints if they had it and we didn't. A simple Google search turned up nothing of the sort, either.

Except it wouldn't be announced until after the 12th, when it's officially too late to take advantage of it. That's evil, even by Nintendo's standards. But I'm a 3DS Ambassador anyway, so I'd get it! :D

The 3DS manual says you can store up to 300 downloadable software titles on an SD card (as seen on page 33). I don't think they would say that if they were really going to limit us to that pathetic little 60-block menu. I guess it'll have to just expand itself automatically when you get too many games. Of course,