Detroit: Now that’s Urban decline, amirite?
Detroit: Now that’s Urban decline, amirite?
That’s about all you can ask for from guys dropping gloves in October.
Baseball had this covered a long time ago.
“Hey, Coach Mike. Long time, first time. Love what you’ve done with the team. My question is a little complicated....
There are sidewalks in the Cars movies. That seems to imply there are humans in that universe. What are the implications of that? I’ll take my answer off the air.”
“C’mon, just have one drink. What’s the worst that could happen?”
K-Mart brand Dave Grohl was there to encourage him.
This is not only an insensitive comment, it’s a downright bad joke. I may have been able to excuse the insensitivity if it were actually a good joke. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.
I think you just didn’t prepare for this properly.
I bet you regret getting the Japanese symbol for “I can eat 50 eggs” tattooed on your left arm, huh?
What a shit show 2018 is, and I know the Browns winning one game isn’t much, but I dig it, and it made me happy, and that’s what we want from sports.
Is this really the world we want to live in, where we scour through people’s social media posts to find something questionable they said TWO DAYS AGO to destroy their careers? Honestly, who even cares what a school superintendent said when he was only 53 years and 263 days old? How do you know he isn’t a completely…
Adrian Peterson told reporters, “That was a new one for me. It was different.”
That's funny because casual racism.
Little less Arizona Cardinal, little more Vatican Cardinal.
Christopher Nolan: [cums]
... then none of them. Why would you switch to an iPhone now?
Yonathan Perlaza trotted home with the winning run
There’s no way Trump has ever played Super Mario Brothers.
Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives.
While this was disturbing, it is refreshing to see a young evangelical lead with his head for a change.