
You know, I heard this is the first time in months that she's been able to finish after her shirt has come off because Chad just isn't cutting it lately. I mean, when is she gonna leave that guy and get with a real man???

And Miguel Cabrera is the game's best Old-Fashioned chugger.


Alright, so maybe don't post while rushing to get out of the office. If you do, everyone will point out that your a idiot.

Her son may very well be mentally ill, but that does NOT resolve this lady of all parental responsibility. Someone has to be held accountable for this dude walking around looking like fucking Lyle Lovett.

them boys better watch that there hedge fund cuz once the bucks got inta MY hedges they were never the same again I tell you what it got to the point I had to stand on my porch with my 22 just to scare them bastards away not to mention them pooping all over my g** damn yard

These girls look like they might be underage, but I don't care because they have some ridiculously tight buns.

What it's like to be a linebacker:

You know, the Dodgers got their name because people in Brooklyn had to dodge trolleys on their way to the games, so it's fitting that their mascot is a dude who looks like he got hit by a train.

I kinda feel bad for Oscar. Since he has to lie and tell everyone this was all an accident, he can't even brag about the awesome line he said right before shooting her: "you've been on the toilet so long, you must have die-arrhea!" It'll probably make it into the movie version though.

I'm sure Corey is like me and thinks that, no matter what happens, with a Connecticut-Kentucky final, we all win.

Joe has got to stop this right now. If McDonalds tweeted every time they saw someone take a huge dump, twitter would be fucking chaos.

If you're looking to Silver for transparency, I don't think you'll have to wait too long. From the looks of this picture, he'll be a ghost before you know it.

Come on, guys. You're reaching here. He's their star player. The people of Milwaukee will love Ryan Braun no matter what until they find out he's Jewish.

This is an excellent advertisement, considering that each gif is a perfect copy of the previous gif.

I might be in the minority here, but I actually think it's kinda nice to see Chad Curtis affiliated with the Angels again.

This is idiotic, but I guess you have to expect it from Plaschke. I mean, watching him over the years, you can tell that he clearly does not understand small sample sizes.

As Editor-in-Chief of Deadpsin, I assume you have built up a respectable pedigree in your field and have the highest standards. If that is indeed the case, sadly the article by your writer Tom Ley falls way short of those standards.

This could have been our last game and I wanted to make my presence felt.

I can just imagine all the sweet puns being made in that locker room: