
So fucking funny. +1

"Caw! Caw! Caaaaaaawwwwwww!" #EaglesTalk

I don't pay attention to the jokes made around here, so that was the first time I'd seen a joke like that.


Durant: Sir, are you alright? This looks like it's broken. You should go to a doctor.

She's not the only one with a wood in her hand!!!

The students won't stand for this. It's just another example of the big government libs trying to take away your freedoms.

Of course Richie has a Ferrari FF. He's way too fat to get a 4.58.

The guy may not be a criminal, but wearing that shirt with the white crew neck underneath most definitely is.

A brick will help conserve water while the Browns season is being flushed down the toilet.

Just like the jump that led to her crash, her stay in the hospital is totally tubular.

I think we should cut the guy some slack. I mean, this is only the first cousin that he's impregnated.

Big mistake, kid. You definitely should NOT have shot the Sharieff.

Sage's parents must be so proud. After watching this they were able to say, "he looks like he's reading" for the first time in their child's life.

LOL Tom the groundhog is not an actual hog so therefore ipso facto the picture is not ham-fisted but good try.

Nice try, Samer, but you're totally wrong. Elkington can't be my uncle. Unlike Steve, my uncle has already died from cirrhosis of the liver.

Finally, something produced by Deadspin that wasn't done in one of your mothers' basements, but instead was done in her living room while she was trying to watch TV, god dammit!

Elkington is showing that he is clearly an asshole with a profound misunderstanding of homosexuals and gay culture in general. I mean, why would Michael Sam be throwing handbags when he could be WEARIIIIING THEEEEEEM?!

I'm guessing the dude was tired because he had already enjoyed a Sixer in the parking lot.

A GF with a massive block after barely getting a finger on the first ball? Sounds like my entire life.