
Nice try, Anna! Anybody can edit Wikipedia and make it say whatever they want. Who cares that the Ray Lewis page is edited by

Yeah, Deadspin! I hate to see you disparage the character of a good young man. Lennay was a fully developed ideation of an early-20's female and Ronaiah at least deserves some credit for that.


So you're saying Te'o got catfished because he thinks he's a good punter???

@JoseCanseco: Hey @SFGiants it's pretty mean to change your name to Sans Jose you coulda just said you didn't want me to play 4 u.

He did also refer to the soup as "the final solution for the flu."

Can you post a guide to finding a wife? I'd like to actually eat some of this food you write about and it ain't gonna cook itself.

Same here. I don't follow college football at all, so I'd only passingly heard about the girlfriend thing and only really heard of Te'o because of the Heisman discussions. I mostly only care about the story because it broke on deadspin, which is probably the most pathetic aspect of my obsession with it.

Man, this Manti Te'o story has me questioning everything I've ever thought about myself. I thought I was better than this, but it turns out I'm not. I am obsessed with this stupid stupid story and fiending for information. Now I know how my girlfriend feels when it comes to all the stupid bullshit celebrities that she

Where is Cyrus when you need him for some tennis talk?

It kind of made me uncomfortable to laugh at this. After all, we haven't seen anything funny from a Dwight in about four seasons.

Remember when you couldn't be mean to other commenters? That was the worst.

Kinda makes you wish every post got 3,000,000 page views, right?


Gotta be honest, I was thinking the same thing.

Good to see a Pole stand up for himself.


Somehow, even though the girl was fake, Manti still managed to get leid.

The good thing about this is that, if Biggio does get in, you can just add an "a" to the headline and it will still be accurate.

Kind of like 30 Minutes or Less. Based on a true story about a guy getting his head blown off, turned into a buddy comedy. Hollywood is weird.