Wait... don't they play college games on Saturday? And NFL is Sunday?
Wait... don't they play college games on Saturday? And NFL is Sunday?
That would be music to my ears. If your fists were made of harmonicas.
That article is straight bullshit. If anything, Tottenham had the opposite problem. They were playing Aston Villa, who are basically the ugly slutty girl you avoid until the end of the night because you know can score at any time.
Sounds to me like he demanded a trade and wants to play for anybody but the Jets.
Honestly, I would expect nothing less than for Jason to try and stir up controversy while also invoking socialism. The dude has a history of making stupid decisions regarding Marx.
I don't know why he's surprised about an offensive lineman doing something that upset him.
What? I only see one lady on his lap.
Milano's reputation has really been damaged since they had to remove the "no preservatives" sticker from the display.
At least we know from the headline that "The Dynasty" was not the name of one of Vick's dogs.
I'm a big fan/admirer of Havel. So, I initially wrote it as "badass." And then wrote it as "baaaaaaad." But I hated the way they looked. So I based it on slang the kids were saying in the 90's in hopes that people would get what I was trying to say. Clearly, it did not come across well. You had to be there (in my…
Is this a joke about hormones in beef? If so, it's not very funny. -1
Don't give the Colts too much credit here. Those signs can be bought for next to nothing from NBC.
Frosty the Snowman
It's amusing, but not that funny. Pretty much typical Canada Dry humor.
Man, sounds a lot like me last week. I got busted while celebrating the one year anniversary of Vaclav Havel's death. Talk about your passing of bad Czechs...
I can't wait for my children to say this same thing about me someday...
I feel like a damn failure for not making your list. I gotta get better at hanging around here.
Holy shit. My fiancee hates deadspin, and even she loves Hammerclaw's kinja mastery. Jeopardy is on another level.