I can't blame his kids for feeling the way they do. The job of a DM is to make people believe in the fantasy.
Not getting the Optimator was a terrible terrible mistake.
But what's the status of their cursive magazine???
[meh. That guy looks kinda like Bill Murray is all.]
Although he might not play that much, Rem does have the ultimate bragging rights. Literally every single girl at Gonzaga has slept with him.
I will make fun of it now.
I used to ride the subway to school. Unfortunately in LA the subway only goes like six places. And it takes an hour and a half to get to all of them. Even though I can drive there in 20 minutes. So rad!
Man, people really get butthurt when you talk shit about their shitty towns. All those losers just wish they could be cool and from LA or New York. Talk about your inferiority complex.
This almost sounds like a cry for help. Like he's probably drinking too much also. I'd advise Mr. Greenway to be careful, as alcohol abuse can lead to depression (here's a research paper on the topic for you: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090302183002.htm).
But what about the sheriff that he actually DID shoot????
All of them are trying to screw hookers by playing games in Europe and encroaching on the popularity of rugby. So far, none have succeeded.
And you call this journalism? A quick google search that took literally two seconds reveals that her husband was killed after accidentally being bumped into on the sidewalk. So OF COURSE she gets sad when she thinks about any kind of oops.
Definitely not! We wouldn't want to give that dude any attention at all. Just ignore it and it will go away.
"Did not meet ESPN standards for original language" is also the reason that - even though it would have been amazing for branding purposes - ESPN refused to broadcast in Esperanto.
Their prolly was a safety on the gun but I herd that Belcher was good at shooting guns so my guess is that he knew how to work it? I mean anybody who owns a gun is gunna kno how to use the safety features if they shoot it a coupel time right??? We jsut gotta get rid of all the guns. Costus is right. :)