Eine Kleine Notgonnawin
I forgot to give you this: +1
At least going from redshirts to orange shirts won't be that big of a change.
Come on, Mets. This is just classless. There's gotta be a more subtle way to tell a guy that he needs a facelift.
Ugh. A purple sombrero? That guy must be part of the three ami-gauches.
More like All Over But The OhMyGodICantPoopBecauseIAteSoMuchGodDamnCheese, AMIRITE???
This is why American jobs are getting shipped overseas. Even while standing over the bodies of their dead coworkers, these dedicated Bangladeshi employees continue making texts. Truly inspirational.
Great, I just took this out of the oven and tried to take a bite. Now I burned my fuckin' mouth! Some may allege that I took a bite #toosoon, but I say fuck you! Sometimes you gotta jump right in.
Don't worry. I understood that this was a joke and that Mel Kiper did not actually say these things.
Very late, but this is hilarious. +1
This is so so so dumb. +1
Damn, my girlfriend is in for a serious surprise the next time I ask her if she's okay with going Dutch.
I guess you're saying that these CFLs aren't too bright?