
I did that a couple times. Also, during college when I was moving back and forth between northern and southern California, I just told them that on the date I was scheduled that I would be in the opposite of where they summoned me and got it postponed. That worked pretty well for four years, but now I'm out of

Yeah, I've heard DUI isn't that bad. And I got called to a criminal court, so I could end up on something like that. I'm just worried because I finally landed a job this week and I'm scheduled to start Monday. I would prefer to not have this totally fuck that up.

Everything there is Jelly Belly themed. You will have to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's pure jell.

I just turned 27 years old, and tomorrow morning I have to report for jury duty for the first time in my life. I've dodged it for years, but they finally got me. I'm in for a good time, right? I hear it's awesome.


Angel fans call him "Fleet Pete." You'll shit yourself when you see how fast he is.

My team traded Mike Napoli for Vernon Wells.

I highly recommend checking out this video. It's about a nine year-old kid who built a cardboard arcade in his dad's auto parts store, and his one customer trying to make his day. Truly awesome.

As emotional as you get, when you're a head coach in this league, when you're in a public media session, you shouldn't be cursing.

Even worse, they're trying to deny his initial claim because he supposedly wasn't injured in the course and scope of his employment. But Davis swears up and down he was hurt fighting a fire. Specifically, Eliot "The Fire" Marshall.



Luckily Magic is involved, so he can find all the money Dodger fans have hidden behind their ears.

Nice selection. I've just got a small space out in front of my apartment, so I don't have room for any more. I keep hearing that I should be growing beans and peas and stuff, but I've never tried it. I did try planting spinach and mustard around the edges of my containers last year at the end of the season, and it

I started growing my own last year after a discussion on here about folks growing peppers. Sharting gave me all kinds of advice and I gave it a shot. It was a pretty terrible experiment, but I've got it down a little better this year. Right now I've got three different kinds of tomatoes and some jalapenos. I'm limited

+1. My comment up above was supposed to be a reply to this, but I am a stupid person.

From the looks of it, I'm guessing no one's ever left that sprinkler running.

Back in the day, I was a serious lit snob. So I used to check out the books a girl had on her shelf before I'd try to hook up with her. My motto was always, "if The Idiot is on the field, play ball."


This is a great campaign strategy. Missing all those shots really helps him connect with white voters.