Although I personally am not a Dodgers fan, you've made a great choice in deciding to follow them, because it will allow you to listen to Vin Scully. Vin is truly a treasure, and calls a game unlike anyone else. He knows everything about everyone, and tells stories throughout the course of a game that really suck you…
So, it's NOT okay to say, "the Giants are hella stupid?"
Yeah, I don't know what level you have to have, but if Military Strength isn't high enough, you don't have the synthesis option. There's also a special cutscene if you have your military strength full and 100% Galactic Readiness Rating, and choose the right ending (I think the destroy the Reapers option). Other than…
I didn't even have the option of doing synthesis because my strength wasn't high enough. I got screwed by going too far into the story before attempting a bunch of side quests, and they were all unavailable after a mission. Totally bummed me out.
My only real beef with the ending was that the final cutscene was confusing as hell. I had no idea what I was doing when I chose the option that I did. Have you read any of the indoctrination theory stuff? It's pretty interesting.
I like that he usually says "Haha!" or "Hahaha!" or "Hahahaha!" instead of "+1." It makes me feel like he likes the joke, but leaves open the possibility that he's a sarcastic jerk. It's refreshing.
Those pieces are fantastically entertaining. I'm hoping that for the Doug Eddings profile, he notes that Doug is hated in StuartScottsEye's house.
6 feet, 240 pounds? Fitting that he's hanging out at the Big A.
Van Gundy calls this Magic escape trick Sleight of Stan.
If that cop really is an Angels fan, Vernon Wells is damn lucky that this didn't happen at his house.
Ali was just doing his impression of what it'll look like when that fish tank breaks.
Call Cesar Millan, bro. Your roommate sounds like a good dude. He just needs some dog whisperin'.
Like in 2001, when he went 4 for 28 in the World Series? Jeter's postseason numbers are almost identical to his regular season numbers, so he's had good and bad series. And he's played 150 games in the postseason, so there's a good size data set to work with. So it's likely that Jeter's had a similar percentage of big…
Wow. Somehow I missed that whole thing. Hilarious.
Oh my god. I just looked that over. Analyzing how she could have more effectively utilized hyperbole is one of the more ridiculous things I've ever seen.
For my night time before bed book I'm finally rereading the Foundation series. Forgot how much I loved those books. Also just read Snow Crash finally. Equally awesome.
Nope. I haven't read anything relating to the Civil War era yet. Probably six months away from that kind of stuff though.