
You don't actually need to read that book. It was just a bad (extremely terrible) joke because it's about paradigm shifts in science.

Yeah, I just bought a few books on the subject. I looked into his books, but then I realized that I don't want no damn Canuck's opinion on the subject. Maybe I'll check him out later in life if I become less xenophobic (not likely).

Well, then you should read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn. Zing!

I'm pretty sure I read pieces of this in a lit theory class back in college. I'll have to check out the whole thing some day. Sounds awesome.

I'm in a War of 1812 period right now, reading Amateurs, To Arms! A Military History of the War of 1812, by John R. Elting. Pretty technical, not too exciting or flashy, but crazy informative.

Doomsday Preppers


We're at war, bro. This is the only way to stop the terrorists. I don't want to live in the kind of America where cops can't look into your butthole whenever they want.

Cal Ripken defensive WAR: 17.6

UPDATE: this dude just got busted as a fraud. He was just trying to get free tickets. Totally got caught Masters baiting.

I am going to be guarding Blake Griffin and I am not 100% yet, but I am working to get there.

I hate you. +1

Although he might have been stripped of his degree, nothing can take away his achievements in the field of Sabremetrics.

My problem is that I know I'm going to have to shit about an hour and fifteen minutes after I wake up every morning. This ruins my life because I can never just wake up in the morning and go. I have to wake up at least an hour and a half before I want to leave the house, because if I don't, I'll get the fear while I'm

He wants to die before he finishes it. Gonna be sweet when that happens.

Fuuuuuuck! 15 minutes until Game of Thrones! Between the end of season 1 and the start of this season, I read all of the books like some kind of god damn nerd. Pretty excited about this nonsense tonight.

121,990 other songs? This dude has quite a 'stache.

I've always hated Phys, but loved Hud because he was just such an idiot. His stupidity is unreal, and it makes the broadcasts entertaining. Also, it gets better if you imagine that he's gay, because he's always saying vaguely homoerotic/homosexual things that are really funny after you've had a few drinks and continue

There's a damn entertaining fight on ESPN2 right now. Lundy v. Williams. Dudes are throwing like crazy.

Thanks, Thomas Hill. Since you weren't crying, now I can completely forget who you are. And I'll never have to talk about "that one guy who was crying after Duke beat Kentucky" ever again.