I don't know why her dad acts like this is such a big deal. Anyone who can carry 145 kilos is a rock star in Colombia.
I don't know why her dad acts like this is such a big deal. Anyone who can carry 145 kilos is a rock star in Colombia.
I've always thought a pay for Play system was a good idea. After all, it was the lack of such a system that deprived the world of House Party 4.
The great thing about female dog sled racers is, you don't have to worry about them talking too much. Because they come with a malamute button.
Those are some damn good looking dog sled racers. Usually they're much more husky.
If he bleeds, you get beads
McCray definitely knew what he was doing. After all, his brain is capable of performing over one quadrillion calculations per second.
Donald Sterling has really tried to get the Clippers through the dark times. But, no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to get more than one or two white guys on the team.
Weird question, but did you Poupon the plane? I hate doing that.
Man, I went on a crazy Vonnegut kick recently where I read every book of his that any of my friends owned. I think there are only a handful that I still need to get to. His books are so fast paced and easy to read that I tore through four or five in a week. About to finally get to "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater"…
Yeah, that's the exact word we kept using. Not many 10% alcohol triple IPAs out there that you feel like you could have three or four of, but that's definitely one of them.
I had it this past weekend. It's damn good, man. As far as top rated beers go, I like the Westy 12 better, but I had no complaints about the Younger, except for that it's maybe not as hoppy as I was expecting.
I thought Schilling For Products was the new Boston-area schools initiative designed to ensure that third graders learn their times tables.
Not too surprising, really. Whitney makes everyone around him much more productive.
I find myself in Temecula pretty frequently. I grew up not too far from there and my friend's parents own Wiens Cellars. I'll have to check that place out on my next wine tasting trip.
Those are the exact reasons I got into IPAs. Then I realized I wanted to enjoy beer without getting hammered right away, and started exploring porters and other stuff. I'm in Southern California so the selection is pretty good (I've got Stone and Alesmith less than two hours away), although it's usually dominated by…
I've had the Elder and it's fantastic. Just excited to finally get a crack at the Younger.
Pliny the Younger DUAN!
After seeing this video, the Diamondbacks asked him to go take a regular IQ test. DeFamio refused because, for some crazy reason, he hates Tim Robbins.
The (poorly executed) joke was that his name is "Curt."