99 Bottles in Santa Cruz?
99 Bottles in Santa Cruz?
My friends and I were all obsessed with Rilo Kiley way way way back. Saw them back when they were opening for people on Tuesday nights. Then all of a sudden they were a big band. Weirded us all out. I also had the same thing happen with Yellowcard. I saw them a ton of times, one of which was the first show they ever…
Great piece.
The most impressive thing about that is that Angelfire still exists.
I'm in the same situation. I have every possible soccer channel my cable provider offers, yet there are still a ton of games they don't air. I don't see any problem streaming them. It's not like there are commercials during a soccer game that would be making somebody money anyway. Pretty dumb system.
Here is what I don't understand. They do this every year before the Super Bowl. But, I can put an antenna on my TV and watch the Super Bowl for free. So why the fuck does the NFL care if I stream it off the internet for free?
The real question should be: why the hell did your girlfriend use a King of Queens episode to reference Kirstie Alley when she could have just said her name? Unless Leah Remini was also there, this makes no sense.
Nah, I think it's rated right where it belongs.
Hey, I didn't see you make a hilarious joke that nobody responded to!
Damn. Even I forgot about Hahnemann, and here I am talking about Villa goalkeepers. And can't believe I forgot about Lichaj too. But he don't count since he's been hurt.
This is without a doubt the most important WBA-related news of the day.
"Dinosaurs, brotha? If I was you, I'd fuckin' kill myself."
Aren't there five Americans in the EPL? I think you're forgetting one of the Brads. Although it's probably a Given that you'd forget Guzan.
The guys better be careful. I've heard she's overly litigious. Why, just yesterday on Sports Center, Chris Berman called her Marisolways Filing Restraining Orders Gonzalez.
Meth: "Will Rob Gronkowski score a touchdown?
Oh. I missed the "International" part of House Hunters International. I can't believe I'm not hip to what women are watching these days.
He's also probably got a house or apartment in Denmark. Don't want to get too fancy here if you only live here half the time, right?
22 ain't too young to have kids, if you think about it. But, what's even scarier is that technology will advance rapidly, and your mom will probably live to 100 or so. And you'll have to care for her when you're 80. But by then you'll be living forever, so it probably won't bother you so much.