Also, sorry I thought your name was Erin.
Emma, you are a fucking awesome writer. Your articles are so good, they make me care about basketball for a while. Hopefully we'll still get a few of those while you're over at Gawker. Best of luck.
Man, I feel bad for the guy. When he only signs for like a hundred million, all his friends are gonna start calling him the Prince of Poor-sia.
And, after offering that sage advice, Emma Carmichael left Deadspin forever.
P-YU: Rangers New Signing Throws Stinky Cheese
This reminds me of a clever trick to keep children in AZ, also involving a double dose of Ajax.
For a look at something else that was aborted-too-late, check out Cuba Gooding's new movie, Red Trails!
Luckily the girl who plays Haley is like 22.
No joke, Sofia Vergara is a great comedic actress. She's awesome.
Modern Family is also awesome. But I do agree with V8's assessment of it. It's the closest thing to Arrested Development I've seen, but it also feels like that's what it's trying to be, which is weird.
Also, Alison Brie ain't even hot, so don't try to tell me I should watch the show for that. And this is coming from a guy who almost exclusively digs really plain looking brunettes.
I just don't "get" Community. I watched most of the first season, and watch episodes here and there, but I never find myself laughing at all. People with extremely similar comedy tastes keep telling me to watch it, and I keep trying, but I just don't dig it. I can't figure out why.
Okay, seriously, that show is so bad. But it's also semi-funny. I really hate it, but I also laugh a lot. It makes me mad to watch because I know it's terrible but I can't stop laughing.
Face Off
Fuck. Don't look at me!
He was probably just drunk when he sent that tweet. Tomorrow's headline:
I'm probably in the minority here, but I am really excited about this feature. Great write-up.