Here it goes again. Too much reminiscing about paying $2.50 for the Nuggets is the reason I stopped listening to Willie Nelson in the first place.
Here it goes again. Too much reminiscing about paying $2.50 for the Nuggets is the reason I stopped listening to Willie Nelson in the first place.
I'd definitely say it was an act of sexual battery. That dude pulled out his balls and just kept going and going and going and going...
This one's way better than mine. +1
She doesn't have anything to promote.
"These guys don't know nothing. I haven't had a real job in years. I'm the Most with the least.
Interestingly enough, early Mark is what's kept Tim Tebow from going five-hole.
This is exactly why, when I go out, I make sure I get drunk and obsequious - never obstreperous.
A late +1
This should be the poster for the anti-SOPA movement.
Damn, man. That's rough. I hope it wasn't cause the South got to you and turned you. Good luck with everything.
I would not in a million years have thought that was the case. That's crazy. They've out America'd America.
Beats are awesome because they've got normal people paying $250 for headphones. People who probably rip their MP3s at VBR or 128 or something (not saying you do this, but in general). I've got semi-decent headphones, and listening to anything below 320 seriously makes me want to kill myself. I assume that Beats are…
After hearing about his son's negative stereotyping of black fathers, you can bet that Marcus' dad Isaac is rolling over in his grave right now.
It ain't all bad for JaVale. He got tea bagged and only wishes he were dead.
I'm pretty forgiving. If the place is crowded, or I can tell the server has a big party, I'm not gonna take it out on them. But this was in a restaurant where there maybe four other parties, and five or six servers standing around, yet I couldn't get a refill on my water and it takes ten minutes for them to pick up…