Man, that makes me look like a cheap ass. I always tip 20%. I remember I one time tipped like 13% because the service at a restaurant was terrible and I was PISSED. And it still eats me up inside til this day.
Man, that makes me look like a cheap ass. I always tip 20%. I remember I one time tipped like 13% because the service at a restaurant was terrible and I was PISSED. And it still eats me up inside til this day.
JUST TO BE CLEAR: I would never not tip. Unless some asshole made me a milkshake or something. I would not tip that guy.
Don't get me wrong. I always tip bartenders, servers, etc., and tip well. $2 a beer just seems excessive when it takes 15 seconds to pour.
I worked for years in an industry where it's not customary to tip. I still provided awesome customer service. Why should I not be rewarded? And why do I give someone two dollars for pouring me a beer? That is the craziest thing of all time.
I'm sick of everyone thinking they deserve a tip. You're a milkshake maker. It's your job to make me a milkshake. Your boss pays you to do your job. Why should I tip you for making me a milkshake? Where do we draw the line between tipping and not tipping? THIS IS CRAZY, PEOPLE.
Back in Joe's younger years, a five pager was something to brag about. Although they did lead to some nervous wondering about when the next Sears Roebuck catalog would show up.
At least Deadspin makes sense! "It's like a virtual bulletin board and you post things you like! And pins are what you're interested in! Why can't I figure out how to sign up?"
My girlfriend was just trying to sign up for it the other day. She explained the site to me. I did not understand what it was about, even though she spent ten minutes telling me what it was about.
I have always wanted to "write." I've got so many "ideas" that I think have promise, and I want to develop them. But if I wrote a novel, I'd want to write some high literature stuff, which I don't think I'm smart enough for. Or, I'd want to write a sitcom to make mad bank. I think I need to read a book about how to…
That and, "The other SSE. The funny one, with no spaces in his name."
Thank you for that. I was about to tell him myself, but I didn't want to admit that I'm totally irrelevant.
That's funny.
More love for the 9 to 5ers.
Hey, is this joke racist?
I just assume everyone who comments here is a greyish amorphous blob, like me*. No race involved.
My favorite part is that they get all indignant over some stupid bullshit, obviously because they're extremely intelligent and enlightened and whatnot. And the only way they can express their anger is through the use of some dumb internet meme which is likely either: a) a Futurama screengrab, or, b) a Game of Thrones…
Pictured: JoePa, ScoPa, PoPo.
Nice try, Rick. But I don't think "DiPietroing" is gonna catch on the way "Tebowing" did.