French fries, fancy ass mac and cheese, it's awesome on fish when combined with white wine and lemon (it should've been delicious on your shrimp, but you just overdid it). Pretty much anything that you want to taste expensive.
French fries, fancy ass mac and cheese, it's awesome on fish when combined with white wine and lemon (it should've been delicious on your shrimp, but you just overdid it). Pretty much anything that you want to taste expensive.
Is that you, Professor Chude-Sokei?
I can never decide how I feel about Didion. I discovered her when I read "Play it as it Lays," and it completely blew me away. On further readings, I realized that it might be complete crap. Now, I just don't know. Maybe it's the female version of "The Catcher in the Rye" or something.
Okay, George Lucas is going a little crazy with the special features and extras. Why the hell did he put Steve Zissou into the background of image 5?
There's your problem, man. It is pungent stuff. You need to cut it with some olive oil or something if you want to baste something with it. Definitely don't use it the way you would any other cooking oil.
IMG's meth habits aside, truffle oil is awesome. Did you use too much of it? You seriously barely need any of it. That $16 bottle should last you a couple months. There can also be a pretty big difference between white and black truffle oil, but I dig either one.
I figured it was. I've always regretted not buying something from him, but I was 18 and broke at the time. I might have to make the trek back to Riverside one of these days to see if he's still around.
There was a guy who did this at my local street fair back in the day. So so awesome to watch.
Look, we all agree that the bowl system stinks. But don't we usually leave it up to the FDS to fix things like that?
You always know exactly which strings to pull. +1
You can bet Obie would keep his god damn mouth shut if Jack Lalanne were still alive.
Are you surprised by this behavior? Rex is a dog's name, after all.
Looks like she's getting close to FULL TERM.
[redacted for being terrible]
I'm really surprised this doesn't happen more often. You'd think everyone knows about this show by now, and would be suspicious when they get asked to be on a "documentary about addiction."
My girlfriend's been making me watch Intervention too. This girl has a pretty rad face.
Am I the only one that really digs al pastor? I've always felt that it doesn't get the attention it deserves. CARNE ASADA IS NOT THE ONLY MEAT OUT THERE, PEOPLE!
Nothing on Sherman, but I read Chernow's "Washington: A Life" a couple months ago and really enjoyed it. Gives kind of a different perspective on Washington that bothered a lot of people, because he isn't portrayed as a saint-like figure the way he often is. Highly recommend it.
I laughed pretty hard at that, man. But I've reached my lifetime limit of +1's for your jokes, so I just let it sit there.