Ontario is a lot closer than LAX and is actually a decent sized airport. Palm Springs is the closest, but I don't know how easy it is to get to.
Ontario is a lot closer than LAX and is actually a decent sized airport. Palm Springs is the closest, but I don't know how easy it is to get to.
A bunch of us talked about it on twitter for a while. I even wrote the same thing on twitter before I saw that RMJ=H posted it here. I think what made it funnier was just the fact that RMJ=H actually did it. We've all seen comments like that and thought, "what is this guy thinking?" When you sign up for an account, it…
I always say that I want to go to Coachella and then never actually do. But Refused might seriously get me there this year. Unreal.
"This is outrageous. An African-American Red in the Hall of Fame? Obama didn't even PLAY baseball!"
"Non-Sudden Death" is just what I call "movies I never watch."
New York fucked up here. Their anthem ain't gonna sound half as good with Alicia Keys saying, "except for mutton bustin'" every time she sings the chorus.
So, they're waffling on whether or not he'll play tonight?
Man, this is a bummer. I told Peterson before the fight, "if you hang with Ameen, Uganda have problems."
This Trammell trammel doesn't bode well for other players with prescient names, like Tim Nevergonnamakethehalloffame, Steve Ididsteroids, and Joe Maybebytheveteranscommittee... Butprobablynot.
Bevan won't be celebrating his ability to do this when his mailbox is full of job offers from the US Department of Homeland Security and ICE.
She could be planning on running for President in 2016. This smacks of one of those "get your name out there" moves. And, hey, she sounds smarter than Michele Bachmann.
Well, she is going to be fining school children. You can't charge them too much money. Fat cats should pay more, though!
It's a good thing this happened in the Orange Bowl, and not to twelve year-old Obiende, the mascot of the Kraft Fight Hunger bowl.
Is there a big fight on Friday? How do I find out if there's a big fight on Friday?
The Royal Mint stole this idea. My high school prom date made a similar diagram to let me know what was offsides like ten years ago.
Is that the Alanis Morissette album with all the songs about Uncle Joey?