
You're only early 30's? I thought you were hella older. One day I'll start paying attention around here.

Check out this pretty nice message one of IMG's friends left him in his high school yearbook.

Man, that Tampa comment slays me every time. Other than that, you are completely unfunny.

California is fucking idiotic DUAN

That's really good. +1

From the looks of that picture, Jermaine was probably just confused and trying to get in on some hot stove action.

Well, I guess we can add "observance of flukes" to the growing list of things the people of Wisconsin have in common with Shamu.

I just saw this cause I've been busy all day. Thanks for the love, man. I'd had an account for a while, but never really commented. Decided I needed to get starred in 2011, and went for it. Life has gotten in the way lately, but I'm gonna try and work my way back.

That's what I'm saying. You want to avoid that kind of situation. Only punch people who you know are jerks with no pre-existing conditions.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: at least find out a little information about someone before you beat them up for no reason. You'll look really bad if they're sickly, a public servant, or a good person.

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago.

I'm not surprised he blew off Murad. Everyone knows that A-Rod's a little Huffy.

You might think that, but the jig is up, the news is out, they've finally found him.

I thought David Foster Wallace died like four years ago or something.

I agree with FatNakedMoleRat here. A French press is the way to go if you want the best cup of coffee. If that's what you're really after, buy yourself one of those and a decent grinder. It's a little more work, but seriously worth it. If you're after a convenient decent cup/pot of coffee, then the drip is the way to

Like I said, a house is a terrible example for a lot of reasons. Property tax is one of those reasons, as is the fact that you can exclude $250K of gain on the sale of your house. The point is the same if they bought $50,000 worth of Apple stock that's now worth $500,000.

What BronzeHammer said is right on. It makes some sense when you think about it. If your parents buy a house for $50,000 and pay it off, then die and give it to you when it's worth $500,000, you can turn around and sell it right away for $500,000 without paying any taxes on that. So that $450,000 of gain that should

Exactly. The employment statistics that law schools trot out are complete bullshit. They'll tell you they have 98% of their students employed six months after graduation, but don't tell you that that number includes people working part time at Starbucks. Not to mention the fact that the cost of tuition at my school

I don't expect my debt to be forgiven, but I don't see why the hell I'm paying 8% interest on my grad plus loans when interest rates for everything else in the world are as low as they've ever been. It just seems crazy. My loans will accrue $19,000 in interest this year. I'm gonna have a tough time paying that down

He's pretty confident he can get to '15, and he's gonna try to make it to '17. But that'll be a rough two years, with him having to picture his grandma naked the whole time.