
This was in Chasing Amy or something. The solution was that the guy you're dating has to hook up with your guy friends, I think. That's probably the best way to go.

Man, this was awesome. Wish I was around to play. + many for the effort.

Hip-Hop had "fallen in love, married, and will relocate to a rural part of Pennsylvania to start a family."

Seriously, why would you go on the radio if you're not gonna talk about anything? DO YOU HEAR ME, JIM ROME???

Graham is excited about the opportunity of moving to Arizona because he wants to be surrounded by other crackers.

He beat the Smoke Eaters challenge. There's no ghost chili in their sauce. I used to go to the one in Santa Clara all the time, back when it was called University Chicken. That was, without a doubt, my worst experience with hot stuff. I took a bite of the Hellfire Challenge wings and ended up with my face under the

Start throwing some of the Crossfit go to moves into your workouts for fun. Things like heavy kettlebell (or dumbbell) swings, barbell thrusters, kipping pull ups, pistol squats, etc. Give you a really good mix of weight training and cardio. Or you can just try the WOD posted on as an add-on.

Man, I just hit up a Flying Saucer when I was in Dallas a couple months ago. Loved that place. Wouldn't mind them moving out west.

Crossfit is scalable, so if you're a beginner, you do less weight or less reps or both, and move up as you progress. Don't know much about Sealfit to help you out there.

Bought my girlfriend an original NES and a new 72-pin connector. Takes like five minutes to replace, games start up first time every time for tons of old school fun.

Congrats, man. If they have an office in downtown LA and are looking for a tax associate, let them know that I'm available.

This is why I'm glad all my grandparents died years ago.

I might actually have to change my mind and agree with you, but mostly because my buddy and I plan on buying a boat together someday, and naming it "The Implication."

Tobias is definitely my all-time number one. If I'm going animated, I think I'm going with Butters Stotch.

Now playing

I completely agree with you on the Dennis thing. This scene was, to me, the funniest moment in Always Sunny history (except possibly when Mac crashes the car into the wall), and it completely showcases how crazy he's become. I could watch it nonstop til the day I die.

I was wondering where you'd disappeared to.

I haven't played any of the other Elder Scrolls, other than three or four hours of Oblivion. The story is so huge, I know I'm missing tons of stuff. I keep telling myself I'm going to read all the books in the game, but there's an unreal amount of depth in there. Tough to keep up with it all, especially when it

Haven't finished the main quest. Done the College and Companions questlines, almost finished up with the Stormcloaks. I'll have to tackle the Dark Brotherhood next.

I wish this thing kept track of playtime on the PS3. I think I'm probably 40 or so hours in. I still haven't even touched about 2/3 of the map, though. This game is crazy huge.