I guess you're right. I take back all the nice things I said.
I guess you're right. I take back all the nice things I said.
Awesome, man. You've seriously been a fucking champ through this whole process. If (probably when) I get cancer someday, I hope to deal with it half as well as you seem to be.
I could not agree more. I was extremely sick of Will Ferrell, and I never liked John C. Reilly, but Step Brothers is god damn hilarious. Also, Mary Steenburgen is crazy hot for a lady who's almost 60.
I guess they forgot that a chick is one of the most respected writers over here. You know, Erin, or whatever.
Hey, man. Some SSE's are pretty cool. I mean... I read that on the internet.
Why the hell aren't you on the twitter yet, man? You've been threatening to do it for forever, but still nothing.
I also live in "Los Angeles" and can vouch for Walk Off's vapidity.
I had a similar experience today. I read this sports blog, and a guy on there told this super long story that could've been summed up in one sentence. I counted, and he took four paragraphs to tell this one sentence story.
God, it's awesome, isn't it? I used to put it on absolutely everything. I still go back every once in a while, but I've mostly moved on.
This is why I always try to not talk about anything political. I always end up sounding like an asshole. I went to law school via student loans, so the government has helped me out a ton, and I dicked around with that money, just like everyone else does. Whatever.
There are cheap and effective birth control methods. Anyone can go to Planned Parenthood and get whatever they need for cheap or for free. The problem is that people are idiots.
In college, I used to make a dish called "Ramen and Mashies." It's a starch bomb of deliciousness.
I don't think any congressperson in their right mind supports something like that, regardless of how "good" of an idea it is.
You can't only give tax incentives for having kids to "educated" and "smart" people. That would be a terrible idea.
I always have this same problem. So I just go with [jizzed] or [splooged].
The thing that makes me the most pissed is that they have a gimmicky top that "pours you a shot." That's what companies that make shitty products do. Like Miller Lite's vortex bottle or whatever the fuck it's called. But at least Miller ain't really trying to pretend that their beer is good. I hate this 1800 guy so…
I said the exact same thing. Then I bought it.
God dammit, Skyrim is consuming my life. So good.