
I just wrote a great joke for this post, but you'll have to come see me perform it at my ventriloquism show this weekend. Like Eriksson, I went shtick side.


I don't know if I like those, but I probably don't. My belly is always too full of Thin Mints to try anything else, so I'll never find out.

Coconut is disgusting. Especially the shredded gross crap in "candy." I wouldn't feed that nonsense to my worst enemy.

Almond Joy.

Was I the only one bothered by the way Time broke the divorce story on twitter? I mean, look at this:

There's a pretty close connection between punk and folk. They both draw heavily on counterculture movements, and a lot of artists use either punk or folk as a medium for protest songs. Really, punk is just faster and louder folk music. If you think about early Dylan, he's saying a lot of the same things that punk

Hey, I thought it was pretty Ent-ertaining.

I'm actually not a Dallas fan. I just happened to be in Dallas last night and decided to catch the game cause my World Series watching plans got all screwed up. I don't follow MLS as closely as I should, especially once the Premier League season gets started. But, I'm from LA, so when I do watch, I'm a Galaxy fan. The

It was alright. A huge portion of the crowd was only there because the Rangers game got cancelled. Still a good time, though.

You weren't the only two people watching the game. I was actually AT the game. And, there were at least 250 people there with me. Pretty awesome.

It's great. We've had so much turnover at every level.

Zooey Deschanel

Facing the Enemy DUAN

Now Al Jazeera has it, and CNN doesn't. Who knows what to believe.

I'm not gonna judge anyone who has no problem watching a video like that. And I imagine that if I were in a similar situation to the people in the video, I probably would've responded the same way. Being as far removed from it as I am, though, it bothers me a little bit to see that kind of thing. But, yeah, the guy

Has anybody watched that video of Gaddafi being killed by an angry mob? I got tricked into watching about half of it. Pretty unreal.

Oh, dude. Don't do that. The HuffPo commenters are a bunch of elitist, circle-jerking dickheads who are all trying to prove that they're smarter than each other. Arianna ruined HuffPo!

Regardless of anyone's politics, I think we can all agree that Bill O'Reilly is a massive douche. That makes this story about a bunch of soldiers in Afghanistan burning a box full of his book pretty funny.