Shouldn't we just let the invisible hand of the Deadspin comment marketplace decide these things? It got like 10 "+1" replies. Therefore, it is clearly funny.
Shouldn't we just let the invisible hand of the Deadspin comment marketplace decide these things? It got like 10 "+1" replies. Therefore, it is clearly funny.
"Records are a poor apparatus for reflecting anything. For one, the grooves greatly distort the image. Second, they're not polished to a smooth enough surface to allow for proper reflection of light."
The Chinese are having a much easier time dealing with this than the Aussies. They're used to disappointing Tiger moms.
"Rzepczynski is worth a shitload of points in Scrabble. R-Z-E-P-C-[has stroke]"
Damn. I had no idea he was that old. I stopped watching wrestling about ten years ago, but the Ramon/Michaels ladder matches were easily my favorite matches of all time. Such a good heel.
Okay, this brings up a good point. What the fuck is with some replies showing up BEFORE the comment they're a reply to? I promise I typed all those posts in order, and now they're all over the damn place.
nk twitter is a fine replacement/substitute/whatever, I just haven't gotten in the habit of being on twitter regularly. The only reason I us
Sure it can, dude. You're just not utilizing twitter to its full capacity. You can do so much in 140 characters. Video threads could still b
e it is to keep up with deadspinners anyway, and I have a tendency to forget that it even exists.
e done on twitter. You could just say, "artist: song" with a youtube link. It would basically be the same system we have here in DUAN. I thi
It's not just DUAN though. The last four or five posts of the day (before DUAN, I mean) are only getting a couple comments here and there, as opposed to the higher numbers earlier in the day. The place seems like it shuts down pretty early nowadays. Not that I'm without blame, though. I've come down with a serious…
Yeah, especially being on the west coast. Any activity that does happen here is usually before 8 or so, before I'm ready to get things cracking.
Still around. Looking to party.
Those recs look great. They might be a little more specific than I'm looking for in this part of my run through history, but I bookmarked them for later. Thanks, man.
Juan Jose Padilla also sees the danger of one too many Red Bulls. But he's not sure how far away the danger is.
The only disappointing thing about the book is the complete lack of maps and diagrams, pictures of the boats, etc. Saying, "the Constitution was here, United States was here, Constellation was here and patrolling up and down this place" makes it kind of hard to visualize the complete picture of what exactly is…
I am past that, but only because I started with Washington. I've been looking for something about Franklin that isn't his autobiography. Thanks.
Amazon has a fantastic review of American Places:
Also, the War of 1812 totally ruled, especially the Navy battles part. You must've taught it wrong. There's no way 13 year olds wouldn't find that totally exciting.
God, I love that stuff. I can't get enough Ancient Aliens.