
Haha. I've got a few of those on my to read list. I'm just looking to fill in the gaps. I'm crazy excited about all the Edmund Morris Roosevelt books, but I want to go in order. And, the 20th century sounds exciting, but I can't get enough of tariffs and bad presidents. It'll have to wait.

The War of 1812 DUAN

"It's a five letter word. S-T-R-I-K-E."

You'll be back. They always come back.

I want to do the same thing. But, I want to be a writer of a hilarious TV show that everyone will watch. I'll read your awesome books if you watch my stupid show. Except you probably can't because the Zenith don't go past channel 13.

Man, I just can not make myself drink egg nog. I've never even tasted it, but just looking at it and smelling it makes me want to puke. I might have to try it this year, because people keep telling me it's good.

For some reason my favorite part of Thanksgiving is green bean casserole. And my worst nightmare is someone trying to make it fancy or something. Everything must come out of a can, or Thanksgiving is ruined.

What the hell is David Eckstein doing taking a picture with Howie Kendrick?

Bernard dingleBerrian?

My local AMC had a similar problem with angry Raiders fans when Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released.

My local AMC had a similar problem with angry Raiders fans when Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released.

My local AMC had a similar problem with angry Raiders fans when Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released.

I just saw an ad for a website that lets you bet on whether or not he's being paid to play. If you're interested, check out

Doctors in California are willing to try an experimental procedure to remove the tissue while preserving Warren's testes

Reminds me of this. Pretty crazy that people just walk by this kind of stuff.

Nelson Cruz just hit his sixth home run of this series. Having him hit 7th is plain stupid. That's just science.

It's about time you showed up.

The justification in the memo seems plausible to me, if you buy the idea that we're "at war" with Al Qaeda, and Awlaki is a participant in that war. I'm not an expert on the law of war or its relation to the Constitution, but as basically a layperson on that subject, it makes some sense. I don't know how that argument

I completely agree. I was blown away when I heard about Al Awlaki's assassination. Even ignoring the fact that drone strikes all over the damn place are legally and ethically questionable, the fact that the US government would target and kill its own citizens is just insane. Clearly, this guy is a huge dick, and maybe

Dallas DUAN