
My dad was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer, and it was about 50/50 that he'd survive six months from the time he was diagnosed, and obviously his long term prognosis was not good. I was 22 at the time and thought that I was somehow going to save the family. I was just out of college and broke, so of course I had

sorry for being tardy

Except I may pee myself on stage out of fear. I will lose my dignity and regret all the decisions I made in my life up to that point.

Don't believe Cyrus. He's definitely one of the meanest people on this site, man.

No way. If Tony wants to drink, he drives himself.

I was scheduled to be a guest on the LeVar and Dukes show in Georgia back in 1984. But the show was abruptly canceled when one of the hosts ran off as soon as the other two pulled into the parking lot.

I agonized over that, actually. It just didn't sound right to me. Nonetheless, welcome to the Spin (don't call it "the Spin").

Broke bad boy sells bedeviled Buckner ball; bought by brokenhearted Boston backer.

These protests are going too far. He was trying to block Beltre from getting to the plate. You can't see it in the picture, but he was carrying a huge sign that said, "WE ARE THE 99 PERCENT."

Jesus. 7 K's through 3 innings.

"A Gator in chains? Close enough."

My problem my whole life has been that I am positive I will hate my job, no matter what it is. So I complain about graduating from law school and not wanting to be a lawyer and people say, "well, what the hell else do you want to do instead?" My answer to that question is nothing. I don't want to work at all. So, I

I get that same feeling. If they came back and totally screwed it up, that might destroy my entire worldview. But, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it'll come back and be amazing. I've been waiting for official word about a movie for five years now, and it looks like this is the closest we've ever been, so I'm gonna


Breakfast of Champions certainly didn't do much to help my girlfriend's impression of me. She already thinks I'm immature as it is, and she comes home from work and I say, "look at this book I read today. It was awesome. Here's a picture of an asshole. And here's a picture of a wide open beaver!"

I went through a phase where all my friends were talking about his books, and I had only read Slaughterhouse Five. I decided I needed to read more of them, and I think I read six or seven of them over the next three weeks. The problem is, I read them all so fast, I can't remember which ones I've read and which ones I

I was obsessed with a band called Scared of Chaka that broke up in 2000 or 2001. They got back together to play one show in Reno in 2008. My friends and I drove 500 miles to see them. It's in a bar, and we were upstairs for the band before them. We walk downstairs when their set is about to start so we can be close to

Vonnegut DUAN

Yet somehow the token white guy manages to be the nerdiest looking one in the bunch.

Thanks, man. I've read some James Gleick, and a few other books on various topics. It's just been a long long time since I took physics, and all the stuff I learned has left my mind.