
Definitely heard that.

Manny being Manny.

Good lord, man. That is unbelievable. Glad to hear you're okay. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the nurse liked you and doesn't say anything to your sister. The last thing any guy wants is his sister thinking he's got a small dick.


These bitches all ugly, I could fuck any on a whim

You don't wanna eat my rhymes, these bombs are atomic

You bitches get mad when you hear my verbal attack

The song would've been longer, but it was 7:43 and his fucking bitch mom kept yelling at him to go to bed.

The hard hat is the one his mom made him wear to school everyday.

After a super famous boxer says he loves wine, Franzia is probably calling him 24/7.

I thought neck surgeries were performed by Dr. Lewis Yoke 'Em.

I was not joking at all. And I thought about it really hard, but I guess it was just so obvious that it went right over my head. For the record, I think we're all Phin fans. I'm pretty sure cheese-mac is the only one that actually hates him.

Has anyone made a joke about busting a Nutt yet???

You are. Which is sad, because it's gotta make commenting a lot less fun for you to have everyone saying you suck and you're unfunny all the time. Especially since you're one of the least sucky, most funny people on here. I just had no idea what DubaiAtNight was talking about.


Sure. Just like I had that weatherman in a tub story up before it got posted...

Also, one of those guys is a rapist. And Mark Sanchez likes high schoolers.

Wow. + a million. But don't forget that Brett Favre has a small penis. And, more recent: Jaycee Dugard was trapped in a backyard for 15 years.

Happy birthday, Deadspin!