I'm a big fan of Sierra Nevada's Northern Hemisphere Harvest. I usually stay away from the pumpkin beers, but I think this is the year I might have to go crazy with them.
I'm a big fan of Sierra Nevada's Northern Hemisphere Harvest. I usually stay away from the pumpkin beers, but I think this is the year I might have to go crazy with them.
You think Vegas sucks? You need to go to Reno. It takes all the shitty parts of Vegas, makes them shittier, and adds the constant threat of anal rape.
Living on the 8th floor makes it way easier to kill someone if you own the right heavy things.
This is Kabulshit. I...E...Don't know anymore Afghan cities.
Yeah... Kandahard to make it to a Nats game from Afghanistan.
No, you got it all wrong. The movement on his curveball disrupted weather patterns in the DC area. Happens every time he pitches.
They're only starting him for home games, so you'll have three more chances this season.
I don't like how mean everyone is to Phin all the time. Except, for the first six months or so that I commented here I thought he was a chick, so I kind of get it.
I've had a few people tell me that Dear Zachary is amazing, and some others tell me that it's a giant waste of time. I guess I'm going to have to actually watch it for myself.
Thanks, man. Saw that on there but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I'll have to check it out.
I just watched Koran By Heart yesterday. It's on HBO and should be on demand if you've got it. Really interesting/creepy/bizarre.
Don't worry, dude. Soon your posts won't need promoting.
I guess all that really matters is whether a semi-colon would have actually made the joke funny. I don't think that even something as hilarious as a dash could have saved the joke.
You think because now you use periods at the end of ALL your sentences, you can correct my punctuation? You've changed, man. You've changed.
Youtube is disappointingly slim on the Link 80 selection. My favorite skacore band.
I told Lebron this about a thousand times. No one's gonna want to play chicken with you while you're wearing The One Ring.
Dude, I never noticed that. Now I'm going to be unable to not notice it, and I'm gonna hate the shit out of Cyrus. I thought I was really into people's use of punctuation, but I have got nothing on you.