
Man, I just had two beers and ate dinner and I am full on ready for bed. So mentally exhausting. I'm planning on going pretty hard tomorrow though. Should be a good time.

Done with the Bar DUAN.

Oh, jeez. Now I need this PM'ed to me, cause I haven't been around all day.


Awesome, man. I've got a buddy who just passed his level 1 a while back. I'd been debating doing it, but didn't want to be cramming for the CFA while I was cramming for law school finals. I probably blew it on that one. Way to go.

Also a high school English teacher for me. Guy was a genius, could have been a college professor, but wanted to educate teenage idiots for some reason. Had to work my ass off in his class, but it paid off. He was the reason I decided to major in lit in college. So it's also probably his fault that I went to law


Wow. So good.

The commentariat was a little tough on Ron. Not surprising though, considering the entire internet already thinks this place is full of huge dicks.

Going next week. Gonna see Absinthe while I'm there. How much was the Bellagio buffet? I've decided I need to hit one while I'm there and was thinking about the Wynn, cause I've heard good stuff. But Bellagio could be an option too.

This story is making me nervous. I'm starting to lose track of how many times I've had a countdown to see someone's dick.

I like you. +1.

This is so late, but I just had to comment on how great the weather is around here. The rest of the country is complaining and I am loving what we've got going on. Coming from a place that's hot as balls, it's nice to have it about 80 for a change while everyone else is whining.

Yes. It's awesome. There is a fair amount of sex/nudity in it, which could make for some awkward moments on a flight, though.

Zab learned a valuable lesson tonight. Tuck it DOWN, not up.