
Okay, let him punch you in the stomach. That's better.

Zab! There is a guy punching you in the face nonstop. This is not a good strategy.

When I was about 8 years old, my favorite players were Jay Bell and Andy Van Slyke (I have no idea why), so I've reserved the right to be on the Pirates bandwagon should they ever be good. That said, I don't know a single Pirates fan. And that's saying something, because my dad's entire family is actually from

I just meant I didn't know it was written for the Dana Carvey Show. I knew it had aired on SNL, but I didn't know how it came about.

Hopefully he's not having phantom pains that keep him from getting any power behind his punches.

I was about to post something just like that when I saw this thread. Then I saw your post above it and assumed you did the same.

But what's the status of their pinky toes?

I'd probably want to go on a rampage too if I had a crazy fivehead and some disgusting chinbeard thing.

Now playing

The Angels are having a "skater hat" promotion next weekend, and they won't shut up about it on the broadcasts. What the fuck is a skater hat? As far as I can tell, it's just an ugly hat.

Could also be a seanegory for the war in Iraq.

Dude. I think he's being seancastic. Or maybe using seanperbole.

Yeah, don't you have a friend who could rape her when she's passed out or something? You know, a dude who will be the best man at your wedding.

@Richard_Bone: I just read the history of it. Had no idea it was from the Dana Carvey show, but never aired because the show got cancelled. Maybe I need to go back and watch that show.

The way this started out I thought for sure it was a DHF. The amount of disappointment I feel is probably the same either way.

Now playing

Is this the best SNL sketch of all time? No. Even I don't think so, but it's one of my favorites, and it popped into my head today.

Over the radio, Kahne's wife had just said that her mother wanted to go out to dinner after the race. Looks like Kasey decided he'd had enough of the world of inlaws.

I'm guessing that she's probably whispering, "Man, dis a crazy thing to be marrying a rapist."


That can't possibly really be from Skittles, but it's definitely hilarious. Nice find.