
You won't regret it. The Judge is one of the absolute best characters in the history of literature.

That's pretty awesome. The test center is about a three minute walk from my apartment. I'm actually closer than some of the hotels that people are staying at. Hopefully the homefield advantage works for me.

I was pretty close to going to Wisconsin. I really wanted to go to Marquette and do their sports law program, but then I realized that was probably a stupid idea.

My girlfriend is in a clinical psychology doctorate program, and focusing on autism spectrum disorders, particularly Asperger's. Cal Tech was her DREAM internship. Whereas I'd like to be a professional baseball player, she wants to be a psychologist at Cal Tech, just to see what all those Aspies are up to.

Have you been on vacation in California or something? There's a guy at my gym who's always decked out in Cal Tech gear, squatting like 400 pounds and screaming really loud. I assumed it was you.

Yeah, I'm getting close to that. All I can make myself do is issue spot essays and read through the sample answers. And occasionally read the BarBri mini outlines. My plan is to go out on Sunday night and have a few drinks, then do absolutely nothing on Monday. I'm looking forward to that.

Last weekend before the Bar DUAN

Shit. Mine were totally Asics too. I typed Adidas like a jerk.

That's my exact problem too. So long as I'm in my weekday routine, I can keep my diet on point. But then the weekend comes and the girlfriend wants to go out to dinner, and my friends want to drink, and before I know it, it's all gone to shit. Happens way more often than I'd like, which I guess is my own fault. But it

Women will do that. That's why I've kept my girlfriend away from my plants, and they've done well so far. Also, I am the laziest person of all time (this is a scientific fact), and even I can throw water at a plant every other morning.

I planted some tomatoes myself about a month ago. Got a late start on them, but hopefully I'll have some before too long. Sharting got me started with all this crap by talking about growing peppers all the damn time, so I started with those, and now I'm working on a full blown mini-garden.

I had a pair of Adidas wrestling shoes that I wore for a couple years in high school that I loved. Those definitely did break down, though. They had massive holes on the sides that I had to tape up before every match. I carried them around in all my moves for years in the off chance that I would find myself on a

That's awesome that you're doing that, man. It's so hard to find people in life that will actually help you stay motivated to stick to something like that. One thing I've learned over the past couple years that I've been working my ass off in the gym and in the kitchen is that most people want to find ways to pull you

Man, just grow your own. I've even got some. All you need is a small pot and a little bit of sun. It's growing like crazy for me. Or, you can get a decent size pot and grow a ton of different herbs in it. Right now I've just got two small pots and I've got basil, cilantro, and chives in them. Super easy, and they're

I just started a little herb garden on my patio. Seeing a cilantro plant was what led to the whole thing. It's awesome.

I used to be seriously into grilling back in college, but I've gotten out of it since my only option where I'm at now is a gas grill. So I CAN cook, I'm just too lazy to do it, really. I'll probably add that to my list of post-bar activities: get unlazy, start cooking.

Damn, bro. Every time you post something about cooking, it makes me realize that I'm wasting my life by just grilling plain ass chicken breasts and eating them with steamed vegetables every night. What I'm trying to say is, you make me want to be a better man.

I went to a Curb panel last year, and he was there and completely stole the show. It was a stage full of hilarious people and he brought the house down over and over. Everything about his delivery is awesome.

It always weirds me out when animated shows go away for a while and then come back. The voices are always slightly off. Beavis don't sound quite right to me. But, the Jersey Shore clip was hilarious.