That's good.
That's good.
Pictured: Bernard Hopkins prepares to dance the Cha Cha on this week's Dancing With the Stars.
Shields can't understand why, even though he ringed his own neck, it still feels exactly the same when he masturbates.
It might be because they're Bias'd, but I'd bet Celtics fans get a little bit excited when they hear about a Laker doing 'Lines.
Get air circulating. If you've got fans, blast them at everything that's wet. Maybe pull up areas of wet carpet. That's about all you can do, I think.
True. But not as much as I loved this.
She's singing Simon and Garfunkel here, but she sounds like Karen Carpenter.
I'd bet that these ladies are riding the rails all around Pyongyang. And by "riding the rails," I mean their heads are displayed on spikes.
Women on steroids? This must all be part of Kim Jong Il's Dianabolical plan to take over the world.
Watching "Taboo" on National Geographic. They're in some remote village, and a guy is asking his father, the village medicine man, to perform an ancient ritual on his wife in which he files down her teeth to make them sharp. He's doing this because he's going to be chief of the village and he wants his wife to be more…
You should've been around earlier. He spent about two hours trying to find a man-date.
Ahh, I've got it recording to watch tomorrow. Boxing is the one sport my girlfriend will not tolerate. My boy Diego Magdaleno is fighting over on ShoBox tonight too. But I don't get that cause I'm poor.
I don't even own a bike, and I have been loving the Tour. Polk Panther keeps telling me that tomorrow will be fantastic, so I'm looking forward to it.
Man, he burned you so bad. You should start planning your Funeral.
For some reason I just tried to explain to my girlfriend what happened to CWF. She thought the ninja was being "mean." I need to stop talking about this place.
Hey, there's more than one hobo-killer around these parts. Don't knock it til ya try it, man.
Just go to the venue, find the bum who smells the least like pee, and take him. You'll make that dude's night.
True story: my uncle has a house on 5 acres in Corona. When he bought it, there was a burned out trailer on part of the property that was formerly a meth lab until it blew up. One Thanksgiving my cousins and I took axes to it and chopped the whole thing down. One of all-time favorite family memories.