
In MO your ID has a barcode that can be scanned.

Fun fact: when I went to a casino when I was of age with my parents my ID didn’t scan properly the first time and the guard said “if it doesn’t work a second time I have to confiscate it”. I had just gotten it that week.

Some states also only sell liquor in state-ran stores, and some will let you buy a single can of beer at a gas station. It’s all different. I’ve NEVER been carded for a lottery ticket. A lot of grocery stores here no longer sell scratchers over the counter, and the new generation of machines we have even take

It’s a state-by-state thing. I think Virginia? has instant tickets you can buy at the gas pump - you hit a button, it charges your card, and it prints out like a tic-tac-toe box with random spots marked and a prize, and if it prints out a line you win that prize. That sounds dumb, but some people buy tickets and scan

If I’m gonna buy a couple of bucks worth and I don’t have the info, I also go for the the tickets with the smaller grand prizes. Missouri usually have like a “Super 888s” with an $888 prize that I feel I have better odds of winning than 2500-5000. There’s also generally more mid-tier prizes in those lower ones, which

So, what exactly did he spoil? Now that I’ve seen the film I’m of the opinion that nothing that happened would have been a spoiler to me if I had learned it already, because 1. the film did more or less what I expected and 2. when it didn’t, it was easy enough to see coming that I was mouthing some lines before they

I’m still confused as to no Pokemon Snap on Wii U or Switch. It’s FREE MONEY for them.

My mom always did our grilled cheese with mayo instead of butter.

My microwave dings every 2 minutes and then 5 times at 10 minutes. Useful for if something needs to sit for X time.

No, it’s fine.

No, it’s fine.

My first thought, when I learned of this film, was how it might be used as propaganda. Particularly, I’m worried about girls and young women being shown this (or dragged to by their parents or youth group) as “the reality behind abortion”. I couldn’t care less about the dummies going to see this to reaffirm their

The shop I go to is my dad’s friend’s, and I’ve found straw wrappers and receipts from the Hardees up the street from them in my car. But I’ve always read it as they wanted to make sure the car was good after the work was done, like they drove it a mile or two.

Aquaman gets no rocket. They did recover the thing, after all. Just a bit more wet than anticipated.

When I lived in a small town in Wisconsin, there were new roads that weren’t even on Google Maps. Probably not a big deal in a city, but I’ve been lead off of interstates in really weird places when using routing.

Speaking of Republicans, why aren’t we yelling at them that they don’t know what they’re doing and they made a sinful decision?

He gets all that money, so I mean, good for him to try and get as much as possible?

Pocket sand! Sha-shaw!

Stadiums becoming cashless is a concern. The only way I can see it working is if you’ll order food through an app and it’s brought to you - with tipping built in the the order system.

It’s not like this is super-new for women, though. Actresses, musicians, waitresses, strippers have always had men coming up thinking that the song was about them or that the lap dance meant something or that she called me honey.

You forgot Mark Hamill Joker (BTAS, games)

This is horrible of me, but I giggle when I read “Caster Semenya”.