
Levi’s Stadium has this. It supposedly works terribly.

I use online dating to meet people. We talk for a few days, and if it seems like we get along, I suggest we meet up. It’s a good way to weed out people while also being able to meet people (I don’t hang out at bars, so there’s not really a good “singles scene” around me).

I did the same thing in school. Pick up a book, look for relevant citations, cite the citations as new sources.

Yeah, it’s actually set before Raiders.

Pandemic (and any co-op games really) can be ran single player by just playing multiple characters. Also, the 4e D&D board games literally run themselves.

I grabbed a copy of this from a quarter box a few years ago. Super fun thing to have around as a novelty.

Airhead class clowns that hang out at the Circle K? Yeah.

The imperial base looks like a subway station. Which, I mean, it’s not like large complexes don’t have transportation in them. (I remember quite a few levels involving trains from Star Wars games past).

Well done.

The logic is: how the hell do you sit-wipe? I need clearance, and if I’m not seated, I’m not going to crouch either. Maybe if I was thin, and a woman, I could reach through/around, but then I’m going to get dangerously close to the poowater.

Let me axe you a question on xmas.

“I give you doctors and medicine and you want magic!”

Assuming that God did indeed create everything, he apparently created everything to follow the rules of chemistry and physics. So why not believe in them? I guess to be fair, gravity doesn’t much care if you believe in it or not, it’ll be there either way.

Marvel also has True Believers prints of a lot of the Marvel Now books, and recently a lot of old Deadpool #1s, all for a dollar.

Nothing that I have any interest in that I’m not already pulling. But, it’s a good idea - no different than the True Believers or Image Firsts line, other than offering the 3 in 1 (and I believe most of the ANAD books started off with 3 book arcs anyway).

It’s a handcuff, and it’s not a visual aid in the film.

St. Louis is dead! There’s no economy! Let’s build a bunch of retail that’s literally surrounded by tons of pre-existing, empty buildings! Also, it’s roughly 3 miles from a decade-old 250m mall that just sold at auction for less than 10m.

Got one of these at...Funcoland. The base looks better than this picture.

You can in Missouri! Save for a few counties. To quote Wiki:

I got a GBC battery cover for free back in the 90s. Called them up personally (I must have been 9) and the rep talked to me, saw that I was a Nintendo Power subscriber, and overnighted it to me for free.