
I was always lead to believe that both sides received death threats, It just seems like the anti GG side tends to focus more on threats than the issues that they stand for to derail discussion.

Whats the difference between this and I want to be the guy.

He looks like a last generation video game character.

Whats wrong with Siracha. Cholula is just as bad as tapatio. Just a peppery vinegar. I guess its a white person thing since I've grown up on it.

Wow! this inquiry really made my day!

His job was to make Turtle Rock look good. When his opinion results in loss of sales or community division then maybe he should do PR.

When did Skrillex dye his hair?

I don't have a strong belief for a version of events really. I only really know the outcome. Like I said before they were just guesses to be taken with a grain of salt. I could have made other guesses but who's to say they are true or not. Who knows, Fish could have been a cool guy, and probably was to most people

Certification is to test baseline functionality. TCR and TRC's for each console respectively. As far as the publishing deal went I could not tell you if Polytron acted alone in development or had help from MS as far as testing went. Those details are a bit hazy since Fish claimed that he owed MS money post-launch,

I'm a developer. I've only worked on 2 AAA titles and decided to go indie instead of trying to work my way up in a big company. Like Fish who did the same ( Started at Ubisoft and became indie) I can relate a bit. So he has bugs post launch, most everyone does in some capacity. Unfortunately I feel for those who

We all know he was at the mercy of MS, but that was really his own decision. A guess uneducated or not is just a guess and should be taken in with a grain of salt.

We all know that his patch wasn't tested well for it to break the game further.

Actually if there are any crashes, severe frame rate drops, or long loading times, the game will fail certification. So the game actually needs minimum standards for running.

"He's an indie developer and doesn't have the resources to have his game bug/play tested extensively."

I agree that he does focus too much on the negative, but as you can also see he was not able to maintain a marketable likability. This is basically what happens when you know nothing about PR and try to handle that without any training. It surely bit him in the ass.

A man has to take responsibility for his own words and actions. I'm pretty sure a lot of Devs get hate mail and death threats. You don't see them flying off the handle, besides maybe the Flappy Bird Developer. There is a reason why bigger companies have policies for developer protocol when addressing the public.

Not all of us do it for films and music.

"Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves" -Bender

"Compare your life to mine and then kill yourself" -Phil Fish

I did QA at Activision, but I purposefully would stand while testing or sit way back from the screen.