I couldn’t stand Mr. Strawberry Jones the first several times I met him.
I couldn’t stand Mr. Strawberry Jones the first several times I met him.
Robert was not telling the OP the whole story. Let me flesh it out. Robert is an alcoholic. The alcohol causes erectile dysfunction. Both the alcoholism and the erectile dysfunction make it impossible for his previous girlfriend to get her emotional and sexual needs met in the relationship. When the previous…
This is an excellent point.
Ding ding ding ding!
Okay, that’s hilarious.
I like all of those quotes, and I don’t care if that makes me basic. <3
Which organization would have to make it a rule in order for you to use person first language?
His wonders to perform.
Two questions: you say you would not favor a defendant because he’s white. How exactly do you know what you would do in the future, and don’t you believe in unconscious bias?
Some people think an adopted child does better in same sex families because the adopted child was a wanted child. Sometimes the reason a biological child of an opposite sex couple doesn’t do well because the child is not a wanted child. The biological parents had sex because they wanted an orgasm, not because they…
If the protester is reading a book about racism and microagressions, doing exactly what this woman was doing, sure.
OMG Jonathan!!??!!?
Phantom Tollbooth reference? Damn girl, A+!!
Yes, and he and his white wife didn’t see fit to correct any of the white people holding up their phones or talking and laughing during Trump’s speech - they just corrected the black woman.
I‘m so sorry you were so sick! You’re right, pregnancy is rough enough as it is, everyone should STFU.
Same. Mr. Strawberry Jones couldn’t understand why I was not often in the mood for sex - actually, to be more accurate I never knew if I was in the mood or not because I was always working my ass off and not in touch with what kind of fun, kinky stuff I might feel like doing. So he would ask me if I wanted to get it…
Oh I love those orange and black toffees! Send them all to me pls.
Agreed. You’re preaching to the choir. My personal opinion, that I don’t have good research for ;) is that everyone who commits crimes is mentally ill in some way. I don’t believe in assholes.
Oh, I understand now. :)