He could face up to 5 years? Sounds to good for him, maybe he should be in jail for 24.9 years, match the time to the weight of that poor child.
He could face up to 5 years? Sounds to good for him, maybe he should be in jail for 24.9 years, match the time to the weight of that poor child.
Jail sounds about right if they forget to feed them for like three to four days at a time.
I don’t see the problem, he’s just tinkering with his own car or helping out friends when in need. It’s not like it’s a business that sees daily service in high numbers or anything. Noise wouldn’t be much of an issue either unless he was up at like 2am doing this for some bizarre reason, as I recall though it seemed…
Too little too late, especially considering the MP map pack isn’t even included and is a separate (and more expensive than the original).
You know at this point I question if she got hostile at all and if so why. Sad to say it’s not uncommon for particular people to end up the target of police, regardless of being the ones to have called them in the first place.
Oh you seem to think that’s a criticism, no it’s an observation mutton head.
Is it just me or in the picture Treasure Hunt it looks like she has 6 toes on each foot?
I still have this game on CD, oh man I don’t mind picking it up again to just have a digital copy.
Lucky to live if ya ask me, she killed her own sister, think her own kids would be any safer?
That Kathy Griffin thing is a bit in bad taste and I can see why she would be dropped for business reasons, but an FBI investigation? When did we become Russia? Oh right...
Don’t be sorry, you’ve done nothing wrong but if you see something do something. Never forget, evil prevails when good men do nothing.
At this point, the police are absolutely worthless in the US, especially for anyone who is not seen as “American” sadly. An officer wouldn’t ask a Caucasian or African American if they are legal (they could be from Europe or a number of different places) if they found them injured. Though sadly African Americans don’t…
Exactly, free speech does not mean free to abuse a person with words. Freedom of speech is protection from the government from shutting you up, not a free pass to be a jack ass.
Blowing his head off is too far but I don’t see anything wrong with a slap in the face, why does it have to be a white woman and a black man? Is it okay when a white man does it to a black woman or another white woman? Why do you have to be a racist prick?
Just because she verbally assaulted him doesn’t mean she didn’t assault him first. She laughed, she called him the N-word, she got slapped in the face, someone should have done it sooner.
As a teacher I can tell you, I see those fidget spinners all day long, it’s like every single kid has one, even some of the adults have them, I have no clue why.
I had hoped the same but to be fair they have to handle many many more hours of story and dialog where as Injustice 2 does not. Still doesn’t let Bioware off the hook because they did better in their previous games.