
Sounds like your friend has terrible taste in men because he sounds like an idiot and a douche.

Now playing

In regards to Trump and this election this is how I feel if we’re gonna use movie lines.

I wonder if they realize that Jesus Christ was not white and was Jewish.

They don’t care because it doesn’t apply to them, most of them are white males, so they see themselves as safe and want safety from the “hordes” of colored folk.

I feel the same about those who said “well I don’t like either so I won’t vote at all” or “I’ll vote for this random 3rd party” The fact that they could not see past themselves to see what the hell was happening is beyond me.

You think they’ll give out bunk beds? That’s nice, as a poor Latino I’m sure it’ll be the cold hard floor for me, jokes on them, I already sleep on a cold hard floor.

I would suggest not declaring what you are but simply listen and understand.

I knew there was a lot of racism still in this country, I’ve faced it myself more than once and we’ve all seen it on the news. I thought that those were just the few but loud individuals wanting their racism to be heard, now I know that just over half of this nation is racist and a good portion just doesn’t care

My brother did as well

What all those deleted e-mails that in the end just showed she wanted some print outs? Yes I see the great danger in that now, we were all saved from paper cuts. Now the man who asks why don’t we use these nukes has the launch codes, God help us all.

I knew there was a lot of racism still in this country, I’ve faced it myself more than once and we’ve all seen it on the news. I thought that those were just the few but loud individuals wanting their racism to be heard, now I know that just over half of this nation is racist and a good portion just doesn’t care

seems to be the same for those who decided not to vote too from what I’ve noticed.

Well I guess this is how we all go out

My brother is one of those people sadly, just shoot me.

I wish this would just disqualify him, I mean come on.

I can’t believe this is happening, why God why?

So far the only case of that I’ve seen is Gears of War 4 VS multiplayer which I imagine is for balance reasons but the co-op campaign and horde 3.0 modes are crossplay.

I’ll honestly say I feel like it doesn’t really matter on which platform you get the game, it’ll be abandoned in a year for the next game, might as well grab it for as cheap as I can now.