
I have waited for her return for so long! Oh happy day!

Oh nice, though I still have my original PC copy still, I might pick this up on Steam

Why does Sega refuse to bring over Phantasy Star but for some reason brings over their shitware known as Sonic every chance it gets?

...I’ll just leave this here.

So risk the lives of both to save the life of the baby born through rape of a child...this makes no sense.

I was thinking that too, I mean if we haven’t heard of it no wonder it’s dead. How about you advertise it next time?

I’ll be sure to keep ya updated when I try it XD

Good thing I still got my copy of Mafia.

Five Nights at Furry’s?

Well keep in mind this is a guy who is out for revenge, this isn’t just a takeover, this is personal.

Well isn’t that all sorts of wrong? I mean yeah it doesn’t look as good as Quake 4, but that was a linear sp game with arena mp, Battlefront II was a all mp game with a tacked on sp. Not to mention that pic of the trooper in space isn’t even supposed to happen as you can’t do that in the game unless you glitch it,

I wonder is there really a big enough market overlap of people who like pachinko slot machines and people who like Silent Hill for this to seem like a good idea.

Wow those last two are just terrible, I mean what is going on here?

Problem is that it is a bad joke, thanks for wasting my time.

As a gunner I tend to prefer to have a elemental resistance along with some status effect up

Nah just shoot the weakspot on the chest, be like hunting a Black Gravios.

As I recall the actors signed on for a different script and then was switched out with this one, I have to wonder what the movie would have been like with the original script.

Be a quick fight for any bowgunner, I imagine it would be slaughtered by a team of them.