Really digging the art style and animation
Really digging the art style and animation
That is pretty wtf but nothing to get upset over, more like a good laugh. I’ve been betrayed while just in front of our team flag after grabbing the enemy flag from their base, running all the way back evading fire only to be killed an inch away so my betrayer could pick it up and score it himself.
Don’t forget the sudden change of clothes either.
Not likely as we saw he had dismantled the haunted suits. Also does that make the suit double haunted or something? Possessed by the kid who killed him and the killer at the same time?
It is an act of terrorism, worse yet it is not for ideals or beliefs, it is terrorism done for the fun of it.
The punishment must be as harsh as possible to get people to stop even thinking about doing this
This is getting out of hand, they are now actively trying to get someone killed in these so called "pranks"
Yup I noticed that too
But a lot of those jokes are terrible lol oh well, thanks for the info though, either never knew or forgot about those, could be either really.
I don't know, despite the lack of power of the Wii U, I am more amazed at how beautiful all those first party Nintendo games are in HD where as I am greatly disappointed in the so called HD games of many of the PS4 and XboxOne titles.
I'd kill to have another Killzone game on it! Mercenary was fantastic despite the for the make your own class build a soldier feature in the MP, wouldn't be so bad if it couldn't be made broken so easily. Which bugs me, why is it that good console games with class based MP get build a soldier only on handhelds? Same…
Ah that's a shame, hope you find it all, currently a great portion of my collection of DVDs and games are in storage due to current living conditions. I miss all my DVDs and old games! >,<
I enjoyed it though truth be told it has been ages since I've watched it, I agree that those chibi mini episodes are terrible! They aren't even a recap, no idea what they were trying to do with those and why they couldn't at least put them in a separate menu on the DVDs instead of having to see it after each episode.