To get him for FREE you need to buy both, otherwise I'm sure he'll be paid for DLC, it's a promotional giveaway for those who buy BOTH other than the soundtrack from Nintendo club.
To get him for FREE you need to buy both, otherwise I'm sure he'll be paid for DLC, it's a promotional giveaway for those who buy BOTH other than the soundtrack from Nintendo club.
I would love to see the tank controls along with the static camera angles return in a Vita version of Outbreak, that game needs to be online and portable!
You know I was subscribed to that last guy before but after his over the top reaction it instantly made me unsubscribe.
There are times to speak out, there are times to keep ones mouth shut, this would have been the time for his to keep his mouth shut. I'm all for people speaking their mind but use a filter when it comes to work.
You don't have to "spew" PR but you should be able to keep yourself in check, I mean you wouldn't act like this in person would you? Then again I've seen people on a city bus or at the DMV and they just randomly start venting, it's rare but it happens.
I would be thankful to have a job, yeah some of these jobs should be a lot better to their employees but some people are in a position that they don't even have that.
Remote play is fine and all but would be nice to use my portable as a portable. Why can't we have HD remake of RE4 or RE1 on Vita? I'm pretty sure it can handle it if it was ported properly.
Yeah I don't get how people can't filter themselves, especially in a professional setting.
Actually the game does pretty much play like that (locked doors, "zombies", and keys) but the "HD" version isn't very HD, it's fun but the game was really made for short bursts on the 3DS (which it was great on there in 3D). I kinda wish if they had to go make an HD version, that they would have made it for the Vita,…
I always just had the menu music turned off but I'm enjoying the music from the new themes, just wish I could mix and match them. I so want the icons from seasons but the background music from stitches along with my Persona 4 Golden background pictures.
People have a right to disagree with one another but everyone also has the right to live a happy life free from terror. This is appalling on so many levels, truly we as a nation need ways to test people freely for this kind of behavior. An example would be having every job require a mental health test to get people…
Woot same here!
Would love to see it on the Vita as well
Oh man didn't think anyone remembered or cared for RAD other than me and my buddy, that game is the shit!
Well pretty sure Sony didn't buy it as an exclusive, they just choose to.
Man if they decide to release it a year or more later I won't even bother picking it up
Actually I think that one is just pure spiral energy.
Yup I believe so, seems like a douche
I wondered about that too when he had it on during the Smash Bros invitational tournament during E3.