The continuing saga of one game box saving the world from a potential spider invasion
The continuing saga of one game box saving the world from a potential spider invasion
Alternate headlines for this story:
Feeding whole watermelons to large animals and uploading the resulting videos to YouTube is a thing that people do,…
I think they said that because the game will have a car and Chocobos
Trying to convince the majority of Reddit users that downvoting is not shorthand for “I disagree” is like trying to convince a golden retriever that the word “inedible” exists for a reason. It doesn’t know, doesn’t care, and can’t begin to grasp the concept anyway.
8:00 am to 5:00 am? These ponies party fucking hardcore.
My personal favorite:
Beadle is aces in my book. She made fun of it initially, decided to give it a chance, wound up liking some aspects of it, then cracked a few jokes about it.
They paid a LOT. Every break is showing commercials for Hearthstone and (hilariously) Heroes of the Storm too.
A turn-based role-playing game for the PlayStation 4 featuring a group of female warriors that can be dressed up and…
Wow, I see a hugely popular Skyrim mod on the front page (Wet and Cold). Looks like it’s listed as 2.0 on Steam, but 1.4.22 on Nexus. Don’t like, don’t like one bit. As someone who uses nearly 200 mods on Skyrim, including many big popular ones, I’m worried that many of them will switch to this model. Could really…
Omega was a free DLC addition to USF4. There was Street Fighter 4, Super SF4, SSF4 Arcade Edition, and Ultra SF4. There have been four versions in 7 years, as SF4 came out in 2008.
Sounds like a story about a transgender taking advantage of a drunk guy and date raping him.
A whole article to defend Nintendo can this company get any flack ever?!?
You ever try casting a lightningbolt?! Damn near impossible for anyone. I'd say Ramuth gave it his best shot.
No way. It's totally a fad, and it'll stay that way for a loooong time.
It's important to remember that the vast majority of people who play video games as a regular past time, love the fact they can do it in a comfy couch, with minimal physical interaction. As soon as you introduce peripherals that cause your head to…
I do believe sir, that's Putin's job you're taking.
They weren't asking to be pleased... they're not the audience this character is trying to appease... They're simply pointing out that 1 stereotype doesn't negate another.
There you go Blizzard, fight stereotypes with Stereotypes. Never fails.
Because the concept of a companion as represented by a bobbing point of light is somehow unique to the Legend of Zelda franchise, right?