
dem biceps

I'm "tired of it" even though I'm definitely not part of the problem. As an arab, I'm rarely depicted as a character that isn't a terrorist or villain in a videogame. Yet I won't blame the western videogame industry, because that is how the society that those game-developers live in are. That is what you see on the

I'm "tired of it" because people have no business telling someone how to create their story. If you want more of a certain type of person, write your own story.

Honestly I'm usually tired of hearing about it but for me it's because of how it is presented. Here Stephen presented the issue in a professional way and not trying to incite page clicks or baiting hate from the comments like other sites and articles usually elicit. Thanks Mr. Totilo for a good read and I hope this

I remember when there was the discussion if video games were art. You wouldn't go up to a painter and ask "why is there no depiction of "x" in your painting?" Creative freedom means not having to cater to what everyone wants. Everyone is so PC nowadays that if someone is excluded then all hell must break loose


And yet:

just in case you didn't notice, this is in fact a Warriors game. it's impossible to rip off your own franchise.

Money. It's trying to accomplish lots and lots of money.

They could kill your family.

...I'm reasonably sure the "question" was rhetorical.

Haven't used this ever since I stopped promoting the Kickstarter ;x

Hands down Game of the Year for 2014.

Forgot the text the first time XD

Does I win?

The sad part will be people trying to imitate this joke, not realizing it was only funny the first time. Like all those Goat Simulator clones.

this dude needs a doctor if that's what's coming out of his ass

I agree with the "G"if pronunciation. GIF stands for "Graphic Interchange Format". That's "Graphic" with a hard G, not "Jraphic". Wilhite may have invented gifs, but he didn't invent graphics.
