
Seriously, kids are getting dumber/shitter by the generation, and parents are getting worse at doing their job.

Good for you cause I'm already sick of them.

The real hero of this review

Rainbow Road is in Mortal Kombat 8?

Or just toss some Watch Dogs in there, to make up for the fact that this week's contest is about something fun instead.

not taking it but I already know my life is a MMORPG. Grinding every day and little to show for it

Cameo appearance. Nothing more. Kinja stupidity means it's a chore to log into this site.

Holy crap. Where the hell have you been? I see you more often on Polygon than on here.

It's supposed to be co-developed with Sony Japan.

EA buys Mythic.

Kotaku, your article is misleading to some people. The only thing changing is the amount of time you can "purchase" the games (for free), they'll still be accessible as long as you have your ps+ sub. This is actually a good change, this means you have more games. The only thing bad about this is I don't have time to

Many people are getting afraid over misinformation.

I love the service.

Who buys a Ferrari?

Hilariously enough, the style is only thing I'm sold on. :p

Entirely possible it's just the pictures aren't to scale with each other, but are just there to get an idea of the complete cast. Happens all the time. For instance, Bill isn't actually shorter in game either.

Time to troll the pacients:

"I must be sicker than I thought, I'm hallucinating airline staff."