
Can anyone not spot them?

There Apple goes, copying again. We had this feature years ago on Android.

Yes, you put references to the science, but not for how Weeping Angels work? How do I know you’re not making random Doctor Who stuff? There’s a very strict Doctor Who lore, you know?, she controls pretty much the entire planet?

I’m so alone in here.

Kids today will never know the glorious feeling of slamming down a receiver to hang up on someone.

No, no, no, this is getting more confusing. I don’t use Facebook, either, and I also have a mom. I might be you!

*facepalm* That is not what is meant by intestinal flora. Gut bacteria are _not_ plants, in any sense.

Hey, I hate dishes, too! Maybe I’m your mom?

Dishman discovers he has the power to teleport any dirty dishes to their appropriate cupboard, where they will appear completely clean! No fuss, no muss— imagine how much easier your life could be.

Another outstanding article Rob. May I play the Devil’s Christ’s advocate

Mmmmm that brass.. 😀

Probably capable, probably also locked.

I honestly like Apple’s approach to AI. Google gathers tons of information about you and that’s why Google Now works so well. If anyone can circumvent mass data collection but still offer me a great AI experience, it’s Apple.

Well, it is in another galaxy, so they’re not actually human. Maybe the people are actually about 70 feet tall. That would put the blaster bolts closer to conventional bullet speed and we can just say the people there like to use tracers or something instead of slugs.

Maybe you can help me with a question since you have some legitimate experience in them. Do HOA’s have any legitimate power? I’ve heard that legally they can’t actually fine you as they are not a govt. body. In that case I feel their power is limited to city ordinances. Is this true? Seriously wondering as I hate

Every HOA should have two kinds of voting designations: Reasonable People and Shut the Hell Up, You’re an Idiot. The former each has once vote, the latter has .000001% of a vote.

They’re mad that there are no feathers.

There’s also this: