
On my bucket list is to own a Toyota Hilux.

I married a woman from a centuries old pacifist religious tradition. One that still to this day practices making sure that boys that attend church make a paper trail so they can qualify for Conscious Objector status if the draft cycles back.

You are young aren’t you. American military leaders literally said the same thing 15 years ago. American military leaders literally said the same thing 35 years ago. USSR military leaders literally said the same thing 55 years ago. European military leaders literally said the same thing 75 years ago. Worked out well.

I will go to my grave hating what Trump has done to my country, but I will give him credit that he seems hesitant to get himself involved in a major conflict.

But they pay cash.

This doesn’t even just happen on the digital frontier but the analog one as well.

You ain’t wrong. The ribs I make using the sous vide are incredible, but they take FAR longer than the 30 minutes these take.

Exactly. Peter Pan is my go-to example.

You can do that at WDW as well. In fact, it is our standard touring plan.

Interesting. I would say 90% of the liquor stores have a drive-thru around here.  

I thought the title referring to “Build 2019" was in reference to our reality being a simulation run by some kid in his parent’s basement, bored with this save, and hitting the “Absurd” button over and over before starting a new game.  

Well, I looked at my past purchases and I’m totally on the list seeing as I bought mine in 2010.

Can’t take a picture of the modem because, as I stated, I am against data caps, so haven’t signed up. They have been working in the neighborhood for the past 9 months but only started taking customers in the last week. So I can’t confirm what they are using for the drop from the pole to the house, but I will find out

AT&T has just finished installing fiber in my rural neighborhood (Kentucky but not in Louisville) but upon looking at the fine print, they are including data caps.

Chainmail also shouldn’t go in the garbage disposal.

x86 processors tend to be faster and better capable of handling big workloads, like video processing, and game streaming, far better than the chips found in devices running iOS.

The Thing LOVED the inhabitants of the base, it was just sorely misunderstood.  

Call his bluff.

I want to see the government fund a study to find out why there has been an inverse relationship in the number of UFO visits compared to the number of police beatings since the introduction of the smartphone.

The only attraction at the parks that have had more of an impact on me than Horizons would be Spaceship Earth and the Haunted Mansion.