
As a father I can’t disagree, they suck on things constantly particularly when little, but I commented on the original comment that on this particular issue kids aren’t really a risk.

I just learned this not that long ago, it isn’t that big a deal to have it turned on if you have kids.

I bet you are a lot of fun at parties.  

I am one of those people.

I think we’re at a point where The Doctor might just have picked up that this is literally NOT the time and place to scold a black man for defending himself against a racist mass murderer who has straight up threatened to kill him more than once.

I completely agree with you, yet I think the nature of a character that has a lifespan an order of magnitude longer than everyone around them, by its very nature, makes the individuals disposable.

As a father that loves all things “spooky” but with a family that is more indifferent, the first Goosebumps was a hit with everyone.

I am fully fledged carnivore that likes my burgers cooked medium-rare, at the most. I had never had a veggie burger that I found palatable, forget tasting good.

Having graduated high school in the ‘90s, it blows my mind that equivalent distance in time from then would have been pre-Woodstock. The ‘60s DID seem like “ye olden times”.

Best cheap supermarket coffee is “Wake Up” blend from Trader Joes.

You are on the correct path and @azmorgan is a government dis-info agent. The reason the solar flare hasn’t hit yet is that HAARP is slowing the flare down with a deflection beam using the ionosphere as an amplifier.

There is nothing here they can’t get anywhere else in vastly greater quantity without resistance.

The key-knife is only two bucks, so I’ve never been worried about it getting confiscated.

Years ago I started carrying a folding key-knife from Harbor Freight on my key ring instead of a pocket knife.

I will keep an open mind, but the fact that you can “see” the ghost does seem to miss the whole point.  

This is why Disney bought BamTech (the tech company behind MLB, HBO NOW, WWE, etc.) last August. I believe Bam built HBO Now for $50 million and did it in three months.

Not really. I live in the second biggest city in Kentucky. While I think Lexington is a pretty cool place, it is still Kentucky.  

And digital versions of magazines, and music, and comics, and movies, and scholarly journals.

While I don’t have enough information to opine on whether e-lending is hurting retail sales, I can say with confidence, “Don’t fuck with librarians”.

If a school has X percentage of kids on the free or reduced lunch program, then all kids receive free lunch regardless of the family’s income. This policy is in place specifically to destigmatize the program.