
Confession time.

My wife and I joke that if we were ever raided, the authorities would think we are running drugs because there are approximately three dozen burner phones in boxes stored around the house.

While not quite to that level, four out of five times I go on vacation, I run into someone from home. And I don’t live in that big a city.

I don’t know if I can be of any help, but according to the 1879 map of Scott County that shows all of the households, I live just a mile away from where that household was located.

Throw in some lizard people, a little HAARP, and you’ve gotten something kid.

Am I the only one bothered that Thano’s gauntlet has slots for the stones, instead of them simply “melding” with it as he acquires them?

That is almost exactly what the House sponsor of the Kentucky Teacher Pension bill said to the protesting teachers.

Kentucky. South of Cincinnati and north of Lexington.

nope, CVG

Exactly. Of all of the amazing advances over the last two decades, the rise of actual Bond villains wasn’t one I saw coming.

Housing costs are insane in how much they vary.

I run a music festival and you won’t get any complaints from me.

The day after, I sat in my backyard, wearing my bathrobe, hungover and tending a small fire in the firepit in the rain.

Last night I was actually hoping that would happen.

My favorite part of this whole debacle is that the idiots took a bill focused on “Sewage” stripped out all of the language about wastewater, inserted their pension “reform” and passed that.

Not going to happen. New episodes of Supernatural is a constant in the universe and if they stop making them, the fabric of reality will unravel.

It was an alien spacecraft but once it was close enough to receive AM talk radio signals, it said, “Nope,” turned around and got the hell out of here.

I know it is stupid, but it bothers me that Thano’s gauntlet has holes for the remaining gems. I feel like it should reshape around the gems when they are added.

There is no expiration date as long as Universal continues to use the characters.

This is worse.